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  1. Hello! I've finally learned enough to be dangerous...or maybe I knew that much all along. Anyway, I prepared a site to help us do some non-profit work...but... Comment Dates: The directions with dates seem clear enough and I've read them and tried all the following <?php echo date("D M j G:i:s T Y"); ?> echo date("D M j G:i:s T Y"); date("D M j G:i:s T Y") "D M j G:i:s T Y" D M j G:i:s T Y Yet, when I save the Comments field and refresh the page, I still get a relative date (such as "8 seconds ago.") Can someone help (please)? = = = = = = Comments Render Array: Using the directions at Comments, I can safely use $content .= $page->comment->render(array()); and my comments will show up. However, I get an error if I add something like the very first example $page->comment->render(array('headline' => '<h2>Read Comments</h2>',)); The error in this case was Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected ''headline'' (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING), expecting ')' (line 11 of C:\0\www\pwlimit\site\templates\member.php) I've tried a variety of things... Usually, I get an error with no explanation. Can someone help (please)? = = = = = = Comments Email: When I check Allow Commenter Email Notifications, i don't get an email. Can someone help (please)? Thank you in advance for your help! Especially, thank you for your patience!
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