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I've been using PW for quite a while, now, so I would like to give back to the community that helped me so many times. I had this customer that wanted to use the Google Translate API to automatically translate the site, so I built this function that takes advantage of it without the need to use the API on every page cycle. I put it on a file that gets called on the _init.php, so that I can use it on every template. Here it is: <?php function googleAutoTranslate($page, $field) { // Turn off outputFormatting $page->of(false); // Get current language and field content for this language $current_language = wire('user')->language->name; $field_content = $page->getLanguageValue($current_language, $field); // Is there any content for this language? if($field_content != '') { // Do nothing! } else { // No content, lets translate... // Get default language text $text = $page->getLanguageValue('default', $field); // Translate only if there's content in the default language if($text != '') { // Translate it $apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY HERE'; $default_language = 'pt'; // Your default language here! $url = '' . $apiKey .'&q=' . rawurlencode($text) . '&source=' . $default_language . '&target=' . $current_language; $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($url)); $field_content = $json->data->translations[0]->translatedText; // Save translated text $page->$field->setLanguageValue($current_language, $field_content); $page->save(); } } // Turn on outputFormatting $page->of(true); // Return result return $field_content; } ?> Whenever you use a field on a template that should be auto translated, just call the function with a page object and the field name, like so: echo googleAutoTranslate($page, 'body'); Features: Translation occurs only once per field, so you don't need to keep paying translations (it stores the translation into the field language); You can correct the translation in the admin area and it won't be overwritten; If you need the translation to be made again, just delete the field content in the needed language. For the translation to occur, content must exist in the default language. I had to fight a little to get this working, so I hope this helps anyone, who comes across this particular need. Nice Things To Have If someone wants to give it a shot to make this into a module, please do. It would be nice to have a checkbox "Enable Google auto translate for this field", when you edit a field input features. Don't Spend Too Much Mind you that the Google translate is a payed service! and needs a Credit Card to get it going (even with $300 free credit); With a relatively small site (and the tests made to get this to work) I already spent about 80.000 translated characters = $3, Hope this helps someone!