Now that 2.3 has been finished, when will you (Ryan) start developing 2.4?
According to the roadmap 2.4 will port the hole system to PHP 5.3+ which I think is great.
It says we'll get namespaces, PSR-0 and PSR-1 support. What exactly does it mean? Will it use Composer? I really think it should as it's the greatest asset for the future of PHP. We could keep the framework seperate so that others can use it (
I'd also like if PW used some proved libraries from (for example) Symfony ( or Laravel ( Maybe because I'd love a "Processwire on Laravel (Components) with Craft-like design"
Just interested in how Ryan is going to make PW adopt 5.3, PSR + Composer will push PHP in the future and there are great libraries that are well (unit-)tested and could be used.