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Found 2 results

  1. Hi! i am sure you already have this idea but i want to tell you my point of view! I love PROCESSWIRE but i am not good in programing, i used to use other cms but i cant think my self of going back to them, after i play a litle with processwire. my point is that if Ryan and other Programers from this forum give a litle or more time to wright a book for processwire, but in a way of complete tutorials of most common uses of websites, for example Real Estate website, a Travel Agency booking website, a Shoping Cart, a Buisness presantation site, a Portfolio site, a Blog, a Forun, i am sure you will think more cases! And all this after book is finished and the code tested you can post them to Site Profiles, imagine the new people that this site profiles with a book that explain in great details how they developed will come, one help the other and both help processwire to be the top cms for everybody. But the examples must be in very detaild and explaind in depth so a non programer like me can follow and allso give some useful common examples, this way you dont have to answer questions again and again. Now the benefits: 1) Lets say 1000 people i am sure it will be a lot more!! buy the book in first 20 days x 30 euros (wich i think is a good price) for the book in pdf profit: 30.000 euros lets say 3 people get involved 10.000 each!! and money comming with each sale, and with all good karma because you are helping others.. 2) for people like me the help to addapt processwire! 3) for processwire (imagine all the people who like it but dont find the time to search in forum, and read tutorials that come close but not so close.. i know book allso need time but in book you know at the end you have build what you want) 4) for the people involve in this book i belevie that it will help them to get more skills that already have Thank you very much and i hope it will come true soon!!
  2. Hello all, I just spent 3 days without internet and I couldn't do much work on my ProcessWire project because I couldn't use the cheatsheet. I realized that there's a need to have PW's documentation in an ebook format including cheatsheet. So I've copy-pasted cheatsheet in a doc file & created a cheatsheet ebook for offline use. I'm posting it here so that others can also use it. Please let me know if doing this is wrong in anyway, I'll delete the files. Also note that there was no intention to make any kind of profit by using cheatsheet to make an ebook out of it. I hope this will help people like me when they're unable to access cheatsheet for any reason. Enjoy. EDIT: Attached file has been updated, as it wasn't readable on Mac and also wasn't very good looking. So I've updated it for better readability but I'm not sure if it still works on Mac, so someone needs to check it for me. Cheatsheet_1.1_v0.2.pdf
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