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  1. Thank you for that quick response! At the first look FEEL seems perfect for my usecase! I will have a look and let you know. thanks mate
  2. Hi, is there a way to include the new page form (see attached image) from the backend in a fronded template? Also to add the saved data to the related page. thank you very much! tino
  3. Thank you for the hint with the modules also. If I just use the AdminRestrictPageTree module it also hides my self created dashboard. But I created the Dashboard by myself and not with the module mentioned in your answer. I will give that a try also. And of course you were totally right and I‘m sorry for my bad wording here. Yes I was talking about permissions and not roles. I will play around and also have a look inside the mentioned modules to maybe get some ideas out of the code. Thank you
  4. Hi, I'm working on a dashboard with some functionality that will be used by two roles "user" and "management". These both roles should not see anything else in the admin-header-section than the dashboard, like in this screenshot. Also while editing any elements they should not see "Settings" Delete and so on like seen here: All these options should only appear for the "superuser" or "developer" for maintaining everything. For the moment it would be ok if the options would be just "not visible" in the longterm it would be awesome to find a way to really block every user not in the specific role. In my actual case the users would not try to hack something but everybody know to better be safe than sorry ? Maybe it is related to that topic also: I noticed if I put all fields of a template in a "FieldsetTabOpen" the "Content"-Tab is still shown and have some wired actions (after switching to an other tab and back it shows the content of the former tab). It would be no problem to completely remove that "Content"-Tab at all by a hook and only work with "FieldsetTabOpen". I hope I could somehow explain what I would like to archive. Thank you all
  5. Hi, $table->encodeEntities = false; did the job in combination with a proper html for the table row. <a class='pw-panel' href= ...> Thank you very much! Sometimes the solution is so simple, I already tried to use HTML with buttons and stuff like that but you put me on the right track. Have a nice day!
  6. Hy berhard, thank you very much for the video! It‘s awsome how quick everybody is here ? And you gave lot‘s of other useful information and put everything together in a very good way, good job! Danke dir vielmals ?
  7. WOW! Thank you so much for taking the time and putting that effort together! That did the job perfect. $wire->addHookBefore("Pages::saveReady(template=guest)", function($event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); $pages = $event->object; // Set the title $page->title = "{$page->firstname} {$page->lastname}"; // Sanitize the title as a page name $name = $event->wire()->sanitizer->pageName($page->title, true); // Set the page name while making sure it auto-increments if there is a sibling page with the same title $page->name = $pages->names()->uniquePageName($name, $page); }); My only concern is if I put it in the /site/ready.php and have some more stuff like that things get messy, but for now it is perfect.
  8. Hi, I have a MarkupAdminDataTable and each row contains an edit-link of the entry. $table->row([$guest->title => $guest->editUrl, ...]); But I don't want the edit window to open, instead I want to use the "pw-panel" Class and after saving the modification the page need to be reloaded also. I don't know how to include addClass('pw-panel'); https://processwire.com/api/ref/markup-admin-data-table/row/ But I need a combination of the last two options like this: $table->row([array($guest->title => $guest->editUrl, 'pw-panel'), ...]); but than only 'pw-panel' get written in the field, no title and no url... I tried also to put the 'pw-panel' class to the complete <tr> but that in't doing the job either. $table->row([$guest->title => "$guest->editUrl", ...], ['class'=>'pw-panel']); Thank you
  9. Hi @all, The headline is saying everything and I guess it is quite simple but I'm just diving into all of this. In this case I want to modify the title to be a combination of two other fields. Thank you very much
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