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  1. Hello, Reachmail is an email deployment company similar to MailChimp and Campaign Monitor. They have an API to talk to other apps and it is available in a few languages. Here is an example in PHP: https://github.com/ReachmailInc/WebAPISamples/tree/master/php Docs are here: https://services.reachmail.net/documentation I want to use Reachmail inside ProcessWire. For example, a list I create in PW will show up in Reachmail. If it can all be done within PW interface, even better. Handling of opt outs and bounces would be important too. I’m not sure where to begin. Are there some PW MailChim or Campaign Monitor modules out there? If so I thought maybe to look at them. Any advice? If I need to hire someone, what kind of project cost am I looking at? Would it make a difference if I paid for the project but allowed developer to also sell it? Thanks
  2. Hello, Not long ago I asked about the ability of using ProcessWire to run the national website of a political party. (See http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2529-replacing-nation-builder-with-processwire-for-justice-party-political-party/) I now have an additional question related to member/user/staff permission. Our staff will need permissions based on two factors: 1) Location 2) Role in party Most CMS have group permissions so I could do (1) or (2) but not both. Let me give an example. Location will be based on each state. So we need 50 (51) of them. Role in the party will be something like... 1) Supporter 2) Member 3) Town Staff 4) District Staff 5) State Staff 6) Regional Staff 7) National Staff I might want to break it down further but that is the jist. In ProcessWire Admin section, we want the ability for staff to be able to do the normal CRUD functions on people that register. We will also create custom reports. For example reports that list users by street name. Reports that print out all users telephone numbers. For location, we want to limit a staff's access to only registered users that are in their own town, state, region AND below. So, if I am town staff of Norwich, CT and login. The only users I would see in ProcessWire would be users from Norwich, CT. If I were the district manager, I would see everyone in Norwich as well as all users from within my district. If I were state staff, I would see everyone in my state. And so on. For the above, I would just limit reports based on group level (staff level)? How about the location? Anyhow, I just need to know if I will be able to limit access and displaying or reports, etc in the backend of ProcessWire as I am thinking. I'm a bad PHP coder (former EE users) so I am worried this might overwhelm me. lol Thanks! Carlos
  3. I will look into it. I'm still not sure what a CDN will do and how it will work with CMS. But I will read up. Thanks!
  4. Joss, totally agree. For the national site I'm just using a default template. I haven't looked it that much via a mobile phone. For my state site, justicepartyct.org, its really a simple one page site and also considered VERY VERY temporary. I'll use Bootstrap or Foundation to redo both templates. We are still working on our branding (ie logos, colors, etc) so need to get that sorted out then I can dive into building nice templates that are responsive. I'm enjoying everyone's input. Cheers Carlos
  5. Hello Ryan, Yes, ServInt is on my short list. I am thinking of a managed VPS because the traffic isn't great during none-election years. And during the peak times, we can pay for the greater VPS resources. >Drupal and WordPress = Republicans and Democrats Nice!!! Well, our new party is central so is ProcessWire a middle road? ;-) SuperCache sounds good. Especially when our candidate goes into the TV debates. I don't want to look foolish for a crashing site. lol Need to read more on CDN. I heard of it, but I don't know what it is. Like Amazon services? >ProcessWire will integrate easily with SalesForce, at least with regard to submitting form data into it. Anyone already doing this that you know of? Good tip on state parties and MailChimp. In my opinion, the currently available forum software (especially the one we're using IP.Board) is so good that I wouldn't even consider a CMS forum add-on from EE or the like. IP.Board provides lots of API connections that can be used with ProcessWire. Pete (our administrator) has has written modules that connect IP.Board with ProcessWire. They are not released, but are in use on his site and will eventually be in use here as well. The only reason they aren't already is just that there isn't a lot of crossover between what happens in the forums and rest of the site here, so we're finishing the site redesign before doing it, but will get done. Perhaps Pete could reply to explain a little more about what's possible between IP.Board and ProcessWire. > I was sure this was something tea party related, until I saw the nice table on this page that clarified it all. Might be nice to see that >table, or some variation of it, right on the homepage. I would bet that it would decrease the bounce rate significantly. Good tip. The previous 'template' looked like it was made in 1988! I simply used a stock template from Nation Builder to get the site a little more modern. I didn't want to put any further work into the site as I really want to move them away from Nation Builder. A good deal of the content is missing or old as the various party committees work on re-writing them. For sure, we are NOTHING like the Tea Party people. Might consider us Progressives... more centralist party. Cheers! Carlos Camacho Connecticut Justice Party Acting Chairman http://justicepartyct.org
  6. Spot on with your advice Ryan! I'm also thinking of all the attacks we will get, especially from the PACs/minions that support our two major US parties. I think you have a good point about separation of the content part from the crm part. I suppose we can export from the cms member registration and import into an independent crm. I know with Wordpress, there is a list of ToDos to 'hide' it as much as possible. Can anyone point me to such lists for ProcessWire? I tend to always rename the admin folders and strip out 'generated by' type of code. Such advice is very very welcomed! Cheers Carlos
  7. Hello, I've used a good number of CMS/Blogs over the years (Mambo, Joomla, WordPress Expression Engine, etc). This past Nov. I joined a new political party called the Justice Party (http://justicepartyusa.org) and now find myself running their website. The previous designer/developer selected 'Nation Builder' (http://nationbuilder.com) to run the party's website. Nation Builder is a hosted content management system that lends itself to organizations. It has typical functions such as blogs, polls and so on. It took me about two days to pick it up. I can see for organizations, political parties and political candidates, it has a lot to offer. Especially the areas related to campaign donations and fund raising. The downside to Nation Builder is that it is hosted (which is an upside to others) so I can't get under the hood so much. In addition, the monthly fees can be high for a new political party just starting out (different when you have millions coming in like Democrats and Republicans do... lol) I've been recommending that the Justice Party pick up a VPS and run its own CMS. I looked over the major candidates in 2012 and a good number of their sites are running on Drupal or Word Press. I have tried Drupal on and off over the years and never liked it. But I do realize its power. Drupal has a very nice CRM called CivicCRM that also interests me. This 'module' is now available for Word Press but perhaps not so feature rich. I do like how upgrading WordPress is pretty straight forward. And no one can deny the many plugins (good and bad ones). I was out of touch with Expression Engine after 1.7 and have recently looked over the 2.x. I thought to play around with the new Core for a bit. I see in this forum there are many former EE users due to their new licensing issues. I would say my skill is 90% design, 10% PHP. That said, I also have pondered using a PHP framework like CI, YII, etc to build exactly what we need for the party. I am interested in ProcessWire and will try out the demo more extensively this weekend. Some of the areas that I need to explore: 1) How does it handle massive traffic. During an election year or after TV coverage on CNN, we have the potential to get a huge spike in traffic. So caching, etc will be vital. 2) I need to weigh whether to run a separate CRM app like SugarCRM or to build CRM like functions in ProcessWire. No doubt the custom fields will help in this. CRM will mostly be used to track donations, helps us better target members with ad campaigns/communications. CRM will also need to track 'no-members', such as the media. 3) The majority of the site will be static pages like About, Contact, Articles. The multi-site function may be helpful to run our state party websites. For polls, we can probably use Survey Monkey. 4) I might use MailChimp for deployment. But for smaller campaign, a built-in newsletter module would be handy. 5) We are running a 3rd-party hosted forum now. I don't think ProcessWire has a built-in forum. You are using IP Board here? I've used EE forum and vBulletin in the past. Having one sign-in for site and forum would be very good. Are there plans to roll a forum into this CMS or one available by 3rd-party? I've never been a fan of one DB for site and one for forum. Even if they integrate, there can always be problems. Anyone using Vanilla and PW? 6) One reason for using WordPress would be the BuddyPress plugin. I like the idea of users having a Facebook-like profile. Add in Buddypress and it all seems to integrate nicely. 7) Our donation form (hosted by WePay) can be added with an include/JS easily enough. I have to ponder a store plugin/module as well. Might want to sell other party items. Thanks for any input. p.s. If any of you live in Connecticut, please contact me directly. Carlos Camacho Connecticut Justice Party Acting Chairman http://justicepartyct.org
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