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About sw_double

  • Birthday 07/14/1992

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  • Location
    Saint-Petersburg, Russia

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  1. Hi there! Is there any way to hook into Pageimage::url property? Or should I hook a new property and use it instead?
  2. Hey guys. Any change I can force size() method to convert png images to jpg?
  3. Thank guys. diogo very good idea. I just think the client would want to upload specific image on each page, he doesn't want random say portrait picture to be picked on nature portfolio. Until he uploads specific picture they are taken from homepage.
  4. Thanks for the comments and likes guys @Nico if the text says something about a person finding himself turning into big ugly insect than it's by Kafka took it from http://www.blindtextgenerator.com/
  5. I'm working on a small project which happens to be a photographer portfolio. I have template which represents an album containing image field with unlimited items with some additional description fields. Is it possible to automatically create an unpublished blog post (announcing new photos) every time an album is saved with new images added?
  6. Would limit= selector work in parents() and siblings() ?
  7. Thank you guys for quick response and warm welcome. There might be a bug with path!= selector. Little additional question. I want to get say five closest siblings (which would be two prevs, self and two nexts OR if the page is first then it would be self and four nexts etc). Is there any shortcut for this logic in the API? Anything like ->closest(5) or at least ->next(2)? If not please consider it a feature request as it feels like common logic required.
  8. Hello. I'm really enjoying going into ProcessWire after using Drupal, CodeIgniter and FuelPHP for a while. Anyway my first question is with this bit of code $items = $page->siblings("template=portfolio-item, sort=random, path!={$page->path}"); As you can see, I'm trying to get siblings of the page, excluding current one. But instead it returns ONLY current page, as if there was no exclamation mark in the path selector. What's the problem here? Update: Okay, have found solution here http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1230-limit-siblings-after-removing-page/ Still curious about path selector behaviour though.
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