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Everything posted by AlexL

  1. Hi guys I have resolved the issue -- it was to do with my fast_cgi parameters (particularly cache) in nginx.conf. I have put these back to default and the error has gone away. Alex
  2. Hi guys OK - so I've upgraded from 2.3.7 to 2.4 - I removed and copied wire/ - I run nginx using configuration here as a base - I'm on PHP 5.5.9 Symptom When I select field/template from the pulldown menu or from the Setup page I SOMETIMES get returned an array ie - [{"id":29,"name":"basic-page"},{"id":43,"name":"game"},{"id":1,"name":"home"},{"id":45,"name":"platform"},{"id":26,"name":"search"},{"id":34,"name":"sitemap"}] This is in plaintext on the screen - other times I get the appropriate page All other function within the site and admin interface appear to operate completely fine. Any suggestions ideas on where to go for troubleshooting? Thanks!!! Alex
  3. I would also like to say thank you as I've had the exact same query!!
  4. Thanks heaps Soma! I'll try checking out the dev branch this weekend. Alex
  5. Hi guys I'm getting the exact same issue as above as ceberlin except now there appears to be over 200 modules and am not getting some in my list (such as the Zurb Foundation Site profile) To clarify - Modules manager fetches the first 200 modules (appears to be alpha) - I then update the limit of modules in settings - Anything over a limit of 200 results in only the first 10 being fetched (alpha sorted) - Resetting back to 200 brings in the list of 200 again Thanks! ps - I love this module!! Alex
  6. Wowsers - what an informative thread!! Going to check some of these recommendations out now! I currently use TextWrangler as it is free and was the most like Notepad++ when I moved from Windows to Mac. And I almost forgot - Midnight Commander for CLI hacking!
  7. Server side I use arch in VirtualBox / Linode VPS - I also run a LEMP stack (Nginx/MariaDB). For Development I use a mac w/ TextWrangler, SequelPro, iTerm2, MySQL Workbench & Cyberduck This combo works great for me!!!
  8. OK!! Just implemented the code and it works out of the box! It has also resolved the underlying issue in relation to resizing - so happy!! Thanks Horst Alex
  9. OK - that looks exactly like what I'm after!! After reading your code I've just noticed the $file->rename and found it in the cheatsheet as well - feeling a little silly - thanks heaps!!! Can't wait to try it out - love learning all these new things Alex
  10. Hi guys Firstly - I LOVE PROCESSWIRE! I've had a little bit to do with modx and kentico and boy do I love working in PW. Most problems I've been able to solve on my own due to the super helpful responses already in the forums - but I've hit a hitch. The core of the problem is the image resizer is not working for me. I believe that the issue relates to a file that has a .png extension but when I look at exif it is acutally a jpeg. So I want to rename it. When I load the image it is from an external URL //Bootstrap ProcessWire include("/[PATH]/index.php"); $page = new Page(); [FIELD SETTING FOR NEW PAGE] $page->save(); $page->Image = $row['imageUrl']; //$row is from previous MYSQL select $page->save(); so far so good - except now I want to pass that file through exif_imagetype to check what the actual image type is and then rewrite the file with the correct extension. Something like if (exif_imagetype($image->url) = IMAGETYPE_JPEG) { $image->ext = 'jpg'; } etc... However I'm getting 'Can't use function return value in write context' from the CLI for the exif command. Sorry it's so long winded I guess my questions are 1. Is it possible to pass the file to exif? What am I doing wrong above? 2. How do I programatically rewrite the extension? 3. Am I doing this completely wrong and should I be writing a hook? Thanks loads!!! Alex
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