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Everything posted by vanni

  1. i am weary and so I will lay my head upon my pillow and rest mine eyes. Let the night wash over me and smooth my way to slumber and sleep

  2. #SallyJenkins totally irrelevant on the LA situation. Strange views. http://t.co/fxgXmUEe``

  3. i will not be watching the lance and oprah show

  4. vergogna! RT @Cyclingnewsfeed: Italian federation lifts ban on ex-dopers Basso, Pellizotti & Scarponi http://t.co/Ugkf0mSP @ivanbasso

  5. Andrea Carrea "first to ride the Alpe d'Huez in the yellow jersey of leadership in the Tour de France" RIP. Jan 13 http://t.co/JqLUppne

  6. "Lausanne laboratory gave #Armstrong key to beating EPO test, says Tygart" http://t.co/qV3OGUwe

  7. Armstrong was not like the other cyclists.He was nasty and win-at-all-costs. http://t.co/IdeIr9MO

  8. David Bowie: Where Are We Now http://t.co/PdaXwpAC On his 66th Birthday

  9. Report: Thieves steal iPads from Microsoft, leave everything else http://t.co/fcoZYbZ6

  10. Now Playing: " Corina" from "" (Turbo Boys)

  11. 12 days of Christmas Jan 6 Ephinay

  12. Now Playing: "Tango delle rose" / Nilla Pizzi

  13. Damn sore knee! Arthritis or torn meniscus ....Time to find out

  14. Thanks for this, as it gives me an overview.And the diagram illustrates the relations very well. But what does one do if we are not PHP ninjas? are theres sets of examples available? i suppose by installing the default site it will provide some clues on how to proceed.
  15. Hi All. This week I'll be giving PW a go under my localhost MAMP and see if i can give it a good test drive. (Note that EE now comes free as a Core product, but going forth I would rather try using PW on any sites that I may develop as these tend to be for non-profits and i also don't want to be tied EE even though i think their templates is an outstanding feature. ) I love using TxP and will look forward to using PW. And I hope that this discussion of tying in the two might bear fruit for TxP5 esp in the editing outside the DB. I was aware cnk_versioning But I thought it came with a warning that it could amuck-up the DB, which kinda scared me off. I guess i can give it another look with a non- live site under MAMP. thanks.
  16. happy new year. We are now 2013... Any major update regarding the PW/TxP integration or "sharing" resources. Is there some active cooperation underway? I use both TxP and EE and am now looking to use a robust replacement for EE. One issue i have with TxP is the inabilty to have access to Templates/Forms and Pages as text files outside the DB. If I understand PW correctly, with PW I can have such access to the flat files? I would like to see this feature in TxP5, and hope that it is under consideration by the developers.
  17. Happy New Year! “Good luck to you! No punctures, no breakdowns, and easy roads!” http://t.co/5tVSyCs3

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