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  1. Thanks for all the messages! We'll have a discussion internally and will come back to you all within the next two weeks! Glad to see how big the community really is! Best, Marcel
  2. Hi all, we're a public research institute and in the future we cannot have CMS clients anymore (there can be legal issues in the future). That's why we'd like to transfer our client to a Processwire developer. We could transfer you the whole virtual machine (linux, apache). The client is super nice and on the technical site it is like 5 minor issues (making a new form, place a button here and there). Facts: 1. Client based in Germany 2. Processwire is used (3.0.123) 3. One content manager takes care of all the texts, which she gets from the client. That's a couple of hours a week. 4. Certain users (there is no registration) have an account where they can download certain pdfs. So this is an "exclusive area". 5. Users can forget passwords and re-create it on their own. 6. Bootstrap is used If you have any questions, let me know. Best, Marcel
  3. Thanks @androbey, I found the folder api in site and the Example.php file. I'll try things out ? EDIT: I went through the Routs.php and tested example.com/api/test and in the browser I got "message: test successful" But when I try /processwire/setup/appapi I get Unrecognized path. In order to get it in the admin page, do I first have to edit the Routs.php file? Because in the manual I didn't see something like that or I have over seen it. Best, Marcel
  4. Hi all, I took over an old system with - debian 9.13 (stretch) - php 5 - pw 3.0.123 And I tryed to use the installed duplicator. It did not work like I would expect it (on my personal machines it workes). So I installed php7 and the latest version (1.4) of duplicator. After that I get this messages (below) in the front end of the package manager page but in the info box (duplicator config page) I get Package(s) found › 1 Package Manager. So the built file is there on the server but not displayed in the front end. And the file is just containing paths (shown below) And in the backup directory there is a file 2021-07-29 ...zip.log with many paths in it, like Does anyone have a clue?
  5. Hi all, I was installing the module and this message apperared: PW: 3.0.165 Is this bad? I am not that of a pro in php and I don't want to mess things up. Best, Marcel
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