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Everything posted by AndrewB

  1. OMG I wasn't aware, thanks! "Children" tab is pretty obvious, but this "Parent" section... suffice to say that I thought that there was no such such option at all ;)
  2. Finally did it, thank you @Jan Romero. There is something not quite intuitive here, I must say ;) Anyway I'm happy it works, I'd like to dig deeper into ProcessWire. It looks so fresh and straightforward in front of "big brothers", like WP, Drupal, etc.
  3. Thank you for your answer @Jan Romero! I was trying to do what you just described for the last couple of minutes - and I fell again... Perhaps I had described something in a wrong way. Let me try again. This is the current state: And I want to do something like that: remove "B" as sibling to "A", and make it children of "A", precisely like that: No, a wasn't able to do it in ProcessWire ;) :) I made above pic in Photoshop. When I'm trying to move "B" under "A" (not in terms of order, but as a child - an indented object) by dragging it and trying to drop a little to the right - nothing is happening. I can only change order (e.g. put "B" before "A"). Am I doing something wrong?
  4. I have one simple question regarding "move" function in tree view: It is pretty obvious how to move a page to another node that already has childrens or change order of slibings. But how to move a page under a node without any children? In the above context - how to move "Child page example 2" under "Child page example 1" - as a new child? Sorry if this is some kind of common knowledge, but I'm completely new to PW, for me this is deal breaker feature, and I'm unable to figure it out myself.
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