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Everything posted by crusin316

  1. hello, we have inserted google captcha code for our contact us page form. the only issue that is appearing is that when we select the captcha check box the images are appearing right on the top of the page and not where the check box is how can we sovle this. image attacehd for refernce and here is the link : https://tinyurl.com/3j9cj8a9
  2. yes we would surely need to figure out why this is happening....thanks a ton for all your help and support.
  3. awesome stuff guys the issue sovled...
  4. answering your queries. What ProcessWire version are you using? - ProcessWire 3.0.42 Did you change something in the code just before the accordion stopped working? - no we havent updated the code it just stopped working. And some other questions: Who is maintaining that site? - it is maintained by us on our server. Wo built that site? - it was build by a agency couple of years ago. Are you experienced in web development? - not much but i can do basic stuff
  5. hello, but our website is build on processwire and something stopped working there hence published in support forum for help from users on how we can fix it.
  6. hello everyone, suddenly today accordion stopped working on our website. whenever u click on any other sections it doesnt seem to be opening up, any help would be really useful XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX we are not sure how and why it stopped working.
  7. hey klenkes, i think your judgement was right i changed the display value and it seems to be working....thanks a ton man.
  8. hey klenkes, thanks for the feedback, any idea which file we can this on or is there a way we can overwrite the display: none setting.
  9. hey not sure why the link was removed and it chnaged our question is related to processwire website where our home page banners are working. here is the new link you can verify the same.
  10. Hello, we suddenly released that the banner images on the home page arent working. this was working couple of days back. the banners are there in the backend for the home page but it doesnt seem to be working. have tried everything what am i missing here :
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