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  1. bcartier's post in Access "Selectable Pages" settings for Inputfield module was marked as the answer   
    Well, as usual,  that was easier than I thought. In case others overlook the same thing, I was able to access those settings with the following:
    $field = wire('fields')->get($this->name); $template = $field->template_id; $parent = $field->parent_id; $selector = $field->findPagesSelector; $code = $field->findPagesCode;
  2. bcartier's post in Dynamic/Selector Fields and Page creation layouts was marked as the answer   
    Hi Alevine,
    One way to accomplish this would be to use Ryan's Hanna code module. Set up a Hanna code, let's say "output_pages" to accept a selector parameter and output what you need. Create a text field that contains the Hanna code and the parameter like  [[output_pages match=template=basic_page]]. 
    Hope that helps,
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