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Everything posted by eresik

  1. My dream - maybe someday make a module for Yii based on the ideas and concepts of PW - tree, fields, templates, great admin panel.
  2. I use PW as storage engine and admin panel for my Yii2 apps - https://www.yiiframework.com/ Yii2 uses more modern approaches than PW in the core. But the PW admin panel is super, beautiful, great, Grand! Using Yii and PW together allows you to take the best from each. Although ProcessWire can be included from any other PHP script as described at https://processwire.com/docs/front-end/include/ But its too duficult use it in the right way. At a minimum, I would like it to be possible before including PW index.php specify the path to the PW config.php file (using a variable or using #define). And provide the ability to install as a package to another application using the composer ( do not know how ). Now it looks something like this for me: 1. composer create-project yiisoft/yii2-app-basic . 2. composer require processwire/processwire 3. make symbolic link to /vendor/processwire/processwire from web accessed folder (public_html, httpdocs, web, etc, depends on hosting ) 4. install processwire (example.com/processwire/install.php) 5. edit /vendor/processwire/processwire/site/config.php (set right folders and urls for uploading files, etc ) 6. In my app use require(/vendor/processwire/processwire/index.php); 7. Thats all. Enjoy it. It is very wrong to edit the config in the vendor folder. I would like to have a simpler way to use PV.
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