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    Burgas, Bulgaria

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  1. Happy new Padloper and Happy New Year!!! What a suprprise! Thanks, kongondo!
  2. I'm so glad to read that @kongondo! I expected the new Padlooper with more ideas for future projects. My support is guaranteed. Thanks for the news and your hard work!
  3. Hi all, I have a small project which need to get records from Immowelt.de through API. These records must be on specific user who has entered them. I find the documentation of this API but i don't find something about such selection of user related records. All parameters are for all records in immowelt.de database without user related selection. https://www.immowelt.de/ImmoweltAG/InternetProdukte/api-immowelt.pdf Anyone with experience with this Immowelt.de API?
  4. Hello there I need a field with realtime percent calculation (without page save) with values from other fields in admin template. I think about jQuery with onChange methods on corresponding fields but this is not clear for me how to do this in module. Any help with some advice or example will be highly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
  5. Thanks Bernhard and hheyne! You give me the courage to dive in this new project. I have a lot of learn here! Thanks again!
  6. Hello, all I have been thinking for while for simple project management built with ProcessWire. Projects inside , tasks for every projects with working persons, files for every project with different subjects in project , persons with different rights which working on project and messaging system for each project. It is important for files to have version control. Anyone with a similar experience for that kind of web application based on ProcessWire or advices are welcome! Thanks in advance!
  7. Many thanks , Adrian! After adding that namespace and changed all wire("config") to $config , wire("fields") to $fields and wire("templates") to $template in instructions.php , all is OK! Thanks, again!
  8. Thanks, Adrian I downloaded it but when i try to install the module I have error: Parse Error syntax error, unexpected '!==' (T_IS_NOT_IDENTICAL) File: .../site/modules/ServicePages/ServicePages.module:112 It is compatible with the last versions of PW? Thanks again.
  9. Hello Very usable module but where can I find it? Is it compatible with latest versions 3.x of PW ?
  10. ... and i will eat my mouse! On the my local machine i have PHP version 7. When I change it to 5.6.10 - no errors anymore. Read and import cvs file correctly into table. Thanks for your support Andrian! I hope that situation will be in plus to your future development of that useful module. Thanks again!
  11. These errors are : 42×PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in .../TableCsvImportExport/TableCsvImportExport.module:340 21×PHP Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property TableRow::$Array has no effect in .../TableCsvImportExport/TableCsvImportExport.module:340 error on each element from .csv file Tomorrow this PW will be online. Thanks again!
  12. Hello Adrian! That is the result after putting dumps in the source code: https://yadi.sk/i/hq-vi1_SsYmyK
  13. Hello , Adrian! Thanks for your fast response! That are my details: https://yadi.sk/i/UAbWy1rLsXHwU - ScreenShot of fields in Table Field https://yadi.sk/i/yRGhFd8wsXJ4A - ScreenShot of importing CSV file https://yadi.sk/d/MvepdRvosXJ77 - The CSV file. I'm sorry, but how to dump $value? Thanks again!
  14. Hello ! I have a strange problem when importing .csv file. The error is: 32×PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in .../TableCsvImportExport/TableCsvImportExport.module:360 16×PHP Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property TableRow::$Array has no effect in .../TableCsvImportExport/TableCsvImportExport.module:360 The content of csv file : 00003;07-05-2016;14:37:57;0;3;5106;18;58;31;102;1;0;237;7;31;3;16;1;0;0;0 Can you help me ?
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