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  1. Freelancers generaly work a 'morning' 'afternoon' or sometimes 'evening' Those are defined loosly as 9:00-12:30, 13:00-17:00 and 18:00-22:00 The problem i'm trying to solves is that freelancers update their availability say for the coming three month period - and I need their input for each date in that range, per day, per timeslot. My thoughts are that a simple table list with dates and 'morning' 'afternoon' and 'evening' columns would provide them the quickest input for comparison with their other appointments and bookings. (Beeing freelancers!) And I'm very gratefull you're willing to "keep my use case in mind!" 😁 Thank you!
  2. Wow Bernard! Your timing is incredible 😃. I'm looking into 'a calendar solution' for a specific use case. Not sure if this helps your development, but let me mention my requirements: This app needs to have an interface for a number of freelancers to update their availability for jobs - and be able to provide them an overview of job's they've been booked on. (that means a lot of user specific data) On the back-end these entries from freelancers need to be accesale for planners, who will create 'jobs' and assign them to freelancers if they accept them. Up until now i've been working with lists, but your view and interface sound very interesting to me. I've just subscribed to your newslette, eager to check it out when it's ready for sharing. My Big Thank You! in advance.
  3. I'm using a form on my module (admin) page, where i'd like to have a field where the admin can select names of users with a specific role. I tried using InputfieldTextTags, and its a functioning inputfield, but it's not returning results. On my users page, i've added a field 'user_full_name'. Here's the relevant code: // testing InputfieldTextTags $inputSName = $this->modules->get('InputfieldTextTags'); $inputSName->label = 'Select user names'; $inputSName->flags = 0; $inputSName->type = "FieldtypePage"; $inputSName->derefAsPage = 0; $inputSName->distinctAutojoin = true; $inputSName->allowUserTags = "0"; $inputSName->maxItems = 0; $inputSName->parent_id = '/processwire/access/users/'; $inputSName->labelFieldName = 'user_full_name'; $inputSName->description = 'just a description'; $inputSName->name = 'user_names'; $fieldset->add($inputSName); // end test Anything to make this work?
  4. Hi @joshua Thank you for what looks to be a great module and excellent support. I'm hoping to get some pointers from you as PrivacyWire isn't working as expected on my website somehow. I'm on PrivacyWire v1.1.2. and checked the 'active' checkbox in config screen. The module is loading fine, and I'm getting the banner allright - but no element is stopped from loading at all! On my test page , no matter what i try, i still get to read "This script only runs after giving consent to functional cookies" in my console! But I haven't given consent. All assets seem to be loading fine: <head> <style>.privacywire{background:#fff;bottom:-250%;box-shadow:0 -1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.3);left:0;opacity:0;padding:1rem;position:fixed;right:0;transition:bottom .3s ease-in,opacity .3s ease;z-index:1}.show-banner .privacywire-banner,.show-message .privacywire-message,.show-options .privacywire-options{bottom:0;opacity:1}.privacywire-header{font-weight:700}.privacywire button[hidden],.privacywire-ask-consent-blueprint,[data-ask-consent-rendered="1"]{display:none}</style> <script>var PrivacyWireSettings={"version":2,"dnt":"1","bots":"1","customFunction":"","messageTimeout":2500,"consentByClass":"1","cookieGroups":{"necessary":"Necessary","functional":"Functional","statistics":"Statistics","marketing":"Marketing","external_media":"External Media"}};</script> <script type="module" src="/site/modules/privacywire/js/PrivacyWire.js"></script> <script nomodule="" type="text/javascript" src="/site/modules/privacywire/js/ie_polyfill.js"></script> <script nomodule="" type="text/javascript" src="/site/modules/privacywire/js/PrivacyWire_legacy.js"></script> On the page in the <body> i've put the example script <script data-type="text/javascript" data-category="functional" class="require-consent">console.log("This script only runs after giving consent to functional cookies");</script> and in the console the message shows. Then: when i give consent- it shows up again in the console! I'm lost on what to do and how to figure out what i could be doing wrong... Any help would be much appreciated!
  5. I'm in need of using this condition to show a field. But unfortunately parent.id is not working, and: parent_id fails also. Any suggestions? EDIT: I shoudn't be so shortsighted. This works like a charm. Thank you @Robin S!
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