This is probably a very basic question but I just spent the past hour messing around trying to get this done and still stuck so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.
I have a site with a home page containing a ton of content; and a huge hierarchy of pages below.
What I need to do now is create an entirely new home page, with a new template, and make the current home page its child, keeping its content intact - moving it down with the entire subtree
So basically I now have
Old Home Page with old template
Some subpage
Some other subpage
Hundreds of other sub and sub sub sub pages with lots of content, which I don't want to manually move around/clone etc
And what I want to achieve is
New home page with new template
Old Home Page with old template
Some subpage
Some other subpage
Hundreds of other sub and sub sub sub pages with lots of content, I don't want to manually move around/clone etc
Eg. in WordPress I'd just create a New Home Page, set it to be the Home in theme settings, then make Old Home page it's child which would also make its subpages the grandchildren - very quick and easy.
How do I achieve this in Processwire? I couldn't find a way to add a new page on the same level as the current home, so I could just switch betwen them...