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Everything posted by oflcad

  1. Thanks everyone for the super helpful reply, @Gideon So I was trying to use the migration module, from the blog it looks like it will most likely comes in handy but I run to this error, Fatal Error: Call to undefined function wirePopulateStringTags() (line 69 of /Applications/AMPPS/www/processwire-master/site/modules/Migrations/Migrations.module.php)
  2. Dear Forum, I would like to start to hello to everyone, I am coming from React/React-Native world, so it's going to take a minute for me to stretch my feet. I have a managed to install processwire in /www for ammps, and create a website... But now, I Have a existing processwire project that I would like to do the same thing ? I think the keyword from my point of view is install.php that magically disappear after the installation of processwire ?
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