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Everything posted by lray138

  1. Hey, I just came across this thread because I ran into this issue. It turns out if you feed the configuration a single spaced empty string it will not wrap the WYSIWYG content in the paragraph tags. And for whatever reason, span was causing my system to become unresponsive. I didn't see this mentioned here or in the TinyMCE forum so figured I'd share here incase it helps save someone some time. Go to: Modules > Configure > InputfieldTinyMCE scroll down to Default setting overrides... Hack the Planet!
  2. Hello, I have a job where I inherited a bespoke CMS, and I really want to move them over to ProcessWire going forward. The server is Nginx, and I'm not that familiar with that setup, was hoping someone out there might be able to walk me through it faster than I can learn on my own. Definitely willing to pay for time. Thank you.
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