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Everything posted by SqANT

  1. I had similar results with just one field. I had just a quick look at it, but it seems findMany isn't much beneficial here, because I access all data anyway. I had cached the JSON object at first, this was just the last code I used. I read in a blog post you can cache an object as well. I now cached just the array and convert it to json afterwards. This has the best results (ttfb ~1500ms).
  2. Hey! I need a json file with members and it is quite slow $members = $cache->get("members", "+10 minutes", function($users) { return $users->find('roles=member, sort=lastname, limit=3000'); }); This one takes about 8 seconds to load, regardless if it is cached! I dont know where the cache file is, but I am sure it is loading from the cache, because changing limit=30 won't affect the output until I delete the cache or wait 10 minutes. Where is the mistake?
  3. No, I saw this method and tried it beside running it normally. Both ways are slow. Have some WordPress sites with a similar Docker setup and everything goes well. I just updated my local dev environment (outside Docker) and copied the files and DB and it works nice and fast. So, I don't know why, but it seems to be related to Docker. But I am wondering why, since my Mac has good specs and WordPress runs smoothly, though haven't dockerized any other CMS. Will investigate a little further and keep you updated.
  4. Hi kongondo! Glad to hear it works on Docker fine! On my system both, front and backend are slow. Found I can include the index.php to bootstrap the system. As soon as I include the file, it is noticeably slower even if I don't select anything from the DB or load any UI. I had established a plain PDO connection to the same DB and selected everything from the fields table. Although this is a lot less than the actual CMS loads, output is immediately in the browser. My setup: Docker on Mac (updated today) with 4 GB RAM and 4 CPU The Dockerfile for the webserver just includes php:7.2.2-apache and enables mod_rewrite db: image: mysql:5.7 volumes: - "./.data/db:/var/lib/mysql" environment: MYSQL_DATABASE: processwire MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root MYSQL_USER: root MYSQL_PASSWORD: pass ports: - "9906:3306" phpmyadmin: image: phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin depends_on: - db external_links: - db:mysql ports: - "9090:80" environment: PMA_HOST: dbhost MYSQL_USER: root MYSQL_PASSWORD: pass MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root server: build: . volumes: - /Volumes/localdev/docker/processwire:/var/www/html ports: - "8100:80" stdin_open: true tty: true
  5. Hello everybody I've started to play with Processwire lately and now setup a local installation with Docker. However, it runs quite slow inside the container. Have no problem with phpmyadmin on the same installation and WordPress was fine as well (other installation). Havn't found much info about Processwire + Docker. Do you guys use Docker?
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