Hi guys,
i am sorry if this is a noob question but i am new to this and have been struggling for 2 days now and would really appriciate any help.
i have a couple of fields that are select options, and i've inserted couple of options inside with this structure:
1=option one
2=option two
My problem is in that a person that's gonna insert content has to have a way of adding or deleting these options, but ofcourse i dont want to give superuser rights to this person.
I've created a specific role for this person but i cannot give access for changing fields ( i guess that is by design) , so i wanted to create a new tab for this role like on the picture.
I've managed to insert a tab there but i want to create a custom page here in which i would offer possibility for adding and deleting options ( i know how to do this part i just dont know how to create a page here inside this admin template for specific user role that isnt superuser).
Can someone please navigate me in some direction because i am really lost. Thanks in advance and happy new year.