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  1. Yeah, looks like I'll be doing some reading tonight for sure (to ensure no surprises)
  2. Got it working ? https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/how-to-structure-your-template-files/ Helped a bunch.... enabling debugging shown the error I was looking for, it seems like a file may have been renamed from .less to .css changed it back and now it's working as it should, thanks a bunch @elabx
  3. @elabx That directory is not found, I have 2 directories in the .zip file their old webdev sent us /site & /wire Trying to access both leads to a page saying I don't have permission (Side note, I own this server so I can make any changes necessary) & thankyou for taking the time to assist, this is why I always ❤️ open source communities always people willing to help others ?
  4. @elabx yes there are... there are quite alot actually
  5. Hopefully this makes sense and someone can assist in this matter; I recently took over a website for someone who is using Process Wire, on our server we are able to get the website to load without issue how-ever it doesn't look like its running any theme / template; We've asked their original host for assistance but they wish to bill us.... is there something that needs modifying if someone moves a ProcessWire website to a new server?
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