Thanks for all your input guys. I'll check out those modules. At least one of them seems to do the trick.
Yup, but this seems to be local machine that sits in their office. It makes absolutely no sense to use this kind of thing to host a website nowadays for way too many reasons. They say they had an SFTP at some time and eventually decided to close it because there was an attack. To me that suggests "use a decent provider that keeps an eye on things and is actively 1 step ahead", but hey. I could give them 5 providers from the top of my head that would charge them less than 5€ a month and take all the pain away from hosting -_-
That was my immediate reaction. What happens when down the line an issue is detected, something needs updating, or you ask for a change? E-mailing zips around and crossing fingers hoping everything works?
Well, I do like the GIT option. Maybe I'll suggest that if everything else fails. I'm not really hopeful, because that's work on the tech's side and the guy doesn't want to even have FTP, the lazy f***.