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  1. Thank you Bernhard, good thinking/ideas there! I did indeed not think of url segments so far, I'll give it a try. With some js sprinkled on top this looks like a nice filter-y solution! Wrt to SEO I'll talk to my people but even if it's problematic that should be easy to fix. Thanks again!
  2. I'm trying to wrap my head around the following concept, code-wise: I do have a list of companies (let's say 100+) und would like to display them on an page, with pagination. So far so good, no issue there - works perfectly fine. Also I've grouped the company list output by the first character of the company name, so i.e. in the [A] section there's amazon, apple etc. This is done on the frontend only, I still get the company list by $pages->find("template=location,limit=$limit,sort=title") I've created a subnav on top of the page which lists all the character sections that have companies in them (for example there's no company beginning with 'z', so that char isn't listed in the nav). If I click on one of these characters in the subnav, I jump to the section using a link like this: domain.com/company/page3#char-M. This also works fine. Broadly speaking I'm doing something like $page_num = intval(ceil($companies/$limit)); to get the correct page number and add the jump link at the end. The issue is though that by using a hard limit on the pagination, I basically split the pages while the listing of the character section isn't complete. So domain.com/company/page3#char-M does indeed get me to the start of the "M" section, but on /page4 "M" continues since there are more companies, which is unfortunate for a number of reasons. I'd like to list the companies in that section completely, then start the next character section *on the following page*. Has anyone done this using the built in pagination (or in another way) and could point me to how this can be achieved? There's a lot of moving parts involved and I'm not sure how to tackle this, any pointers would be much appreciated!
  3. Oh interesting I'll have a look, thanks. I already modified the original as well so i can serve all that css & js concenated from my own domain. I was actually thinking of trying the update leaflet to a current version but it seems that might take some work.
  4. Iirc the zoom options gets overwritten by any zoom level you might have set in the respective field, maybe that's the issue? Oh thanks, I only tried template and markup cache so far, that's good to know ?
  5. So, has anyone gotten this to work with cache enabled? It seems like the map generation JS isn't put out in that usecase. It would be really nice to have that cached though, especially if there are a lot of markers on a map on the front page.
  6. Is this the only option you're setting?
  7. I'm with @Macrura as i'm using wireRenderFile() extensively with a dedicated /views/ folder where I can organise my output in components / atoms / whatever you want to call it, using templates (and sometimes /fields/field.php) more or less as controllers. @bernhard brings up some good points I haven't thought of though, especially the JS part - I awkwardly tucked that into wire('config')->scripts, which isn't as elegant / nice. Anway, it's great having the flexibility and options to use PW as you see fit Quite liberating.
  8. Thanks bernhard for a very informative post. I do have a follow-up question though: How would i make the new panel / custom admin page accessible to a non-admin role? Currently it works great as superuser / admin using another role, logged in as a non-admin user there's only the "pages" tab, nothing else. The way I understand it, since it uses the "admin" template, I can't really manage access through template settings (?). I might overthink this though, anyone got an idea? Edit: Actually, i'm sorry, this is a duplicate of Which of course i found 2 minutes after posting the question, but not during the hour of research before..
  9. Hey adrian, what I did is export / reimport the DB and copying the files over, as per usual. I'd gladly check Process assignment wrt Blog, how do I do that? thanks, Sebastian
  10. Hi @kongondo. Well the difference is that localhost ist still PHP 5.6something and there the site runs out of a subfolder. We're going full PHP7 on servers going forward (I'm guessing that's not uncommon now), so that's maybe something worth keeping an eye on. I'm not sure if the problem is PHP 7 though - if I find the time i'm gonna setup a fresh page on 7, and install the blog module there - I'll report any findings here.
  11. I'm, having some issues after putting a site on a live server - maybe someone has an idea as to how to solve this. I moved the site from localhost/pagename to pagename.tld. The blog posts show up in the frontend, so that's fine. The issues are as follows: In the admin area, clicking on the "Blog" Tab (which links to pagename.tld/processwire/blog/) results in " The requested process does not exist " So there's no functionality there. I realize this is basically a 404 in the admin, not sure how to fix that though. I'm using PW 3.0.75 and the latest blog module version off github, PHP7 on the live server. Anyone got an idea as to how fix this?
  12. Oh wow @Nurguly Ashyrov this is an amazing effort. SO much potential usecases. Thanks for all your work. Maybe and depending how you feel about it you could mention this modue in the modules section, I only accidently kind of stumbled upon it here in Offtopic > Pub. This deserves much wider recognition.
  13. Thanks LostKobrakai. I think I tried that, but in retrospect might have only changed the collation. Going to test setting both.
  14. Hi gang, did any of you ever have to save emoji to the database (and get them out / render them later) per chanche? I'm struggling as to what's the best way to do it. Plain text fields isn't working of course, CKEditor isn't either. If anyone had a quick hint as to where to look at I would be grateful. Thanks, Sebastian ?
  15. Hi kongondo, thanks! That didn't accour to me at all. Makes a lot of sense too, I was working aroung the <button> instead of <input> for form submission already and was wondering why these elements were used insted of the more standard ones I've been working with pw for at least 3 years now (also reading the forums, registered back then etc.) but that somehow never came up. I also appreciated your work on modx extensions in the past btw! Might have a question regarding your dynamic selects module soon ;-)
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