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Everything posted by benoitb

  1. Hello @neonwired I'm looking for a solution to this problem (pagination + random sorting on an infinite scroll). Did you find a workaround ?
  2. Ok, I figured out I just needed to use the home.php template for every other templates (in templates/template/files/ > Alternate template settings) Thank you for your reply !
  3. Yes, i'm using history mode. Also I'm using props. { path: '/:section/', name: 'Section', component: Section, props: true } where :section is the name of the page. It's working fine in dev environnement but not in production. I think it's related to that issue : https://router.vuejs.org/guide/essentials/history-mode.html it's trying to reach the processwire page instead of redirecting to my app template (home.php)
  4. Hi @thomasaull, Thanks for this great site profile ! After building for production I'm having a 404 error when trying to reach a page from its url. It works with the /login though but I guess this is because this page doesn't exist as a processwire page. This problem is explained here https://router.vuejs.org/guide/essentials/history-mode.html#example-server-configurations but I'm not sure how to implement the Apache solution to make it work with processwire. Any ideas ? Thanks!
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