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Everything posted by Jan235

  1. @elabx @netcarver @Robin S - thank you all for your fast replies. This forum is so amazing, the people are pleasant and even newbies get instant help. ? @Robin S - the textformatter-srcset looks perfect for my needs. I'm bewildered that I not found this while search around in the module repository, google and this forum. Whatever, I'll give it a try. Is this module ready for PW 3? every experiences with it?
  2. Hey Folks! I'm stuck here with a problem and getting nuts ? I'm try to modify the output of the ckeditor image with a addHookAfter function. Is this possible? I want to add some custom css classes and render an predefined srcset, so the editor don't has to take care about. The final output should look like this: <img class="my-custom-class lazyload" srcset="path/to/image/image.jpg 600w, path/to/image/image.jpg 1000w, path/to/image/image.jpg 1400w" src="path/to/image/image.jpg"> But I won't use javascript for that. Anyone who can help me? Thanks in advance!
  3. @Wanze Is there any kind of trial version from ProCache to play around without purchase?
  4. Thank you Wanze for the quick reply. So with this information in mind I'll use ProCache the first time the page needs more performance
  5. Hello Sergio! Thanks for your fast reply. That means that ProCache generate static assets from the used .php and .twig files and deliver the static assets per .htaccess rewrite rules?
  6. Hello, I'm started to play around with processwire. And I like it! My local dev system is up and runnig. I'm using the template factory with Twig. Anybody who use Twig and ProCache or is it possible to use both modules? Thanks in advance
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