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  1. Thank you. I guess the solution was obvious: sudo chown www assets actually I used sudo chown -R www site
  2. Hello all, I am disturbed by what appears to be the required permissions when installing processwire. I am getting this type of error message: Directory /site/assets/ must be writable. Please adjust the server permissions before continuing. I changed the perms from 755 to 775 and I don't want to use 777 (I don't even like 775). % ls -l total 8 drwxrwxr-x@ 3 jtm6 staff 96 Mar 16 10:44 assets So how do I proceed? In addition, I am not even sure that I need ProcessWire. I am just trying to get a dev website open and the index.php file errors out. However, the top of this file has this comment: * ProcessWire Bootstrap I am attaching the index.php file. Anyway, thanks for your time downloaded-index.php
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