Thanks everyone for your responses, got me on track. I ended up making a module that hooks after saveReady. After some validation it does the following. Hope it helps anyone. This could be transformed into a more advanced module with options. Server needs Image Magick module installed.
// Lets generate a png image from this tiff
// imagen_tiff is a file field
$tiffImgPath = $page->imagen_tiff->first()->filename;
$tiffImgName = preg_replace('/\\.[^.\\s]{3,4}$/', '', $page->imagen_tiff->first()->name);
// Create an Imagick from the TIFF
$maxWidth = 1024;
$maxHeight = 768;
$img = new Imagick($tiffImgPath);
// Size calc
$d = $img->getImageGeometry();
$w = min($d['width'], $maxWidth);
$h = min($d['height'], $maxHeight);
// Convert image to PNG
$img->setImageResolution(72, 72);
$img->resizeImage($w,$h, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1, true);
// Save the converted image to a cache folder
$tempDir = wire()->files->tempDir('tiffpng')->get() . $tiffImgName .'.png';
// I save the cached image in the image field imagen_web