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Everything posted by Ahmad

  1. Hello, I have problem when i add www to the domain. i add www in config file, but the problem the $config->urls->root , output is "domain.com" doesn't "www.domain.com" what is the wrong??
  2. Thanks Rayan, but how can edit it to be google news sitemap. https://support.google.com/news/publisher/answer/74288?hl=en
  3. Hello, when i begin write posts, i faced a big problem. if the connection failed or browser closed for any reason, the post i write not saved. So i want method to auto draft posts during writing, i see $int = $drafts->allowAutosave(); but i don't know where i can put it. Sorry about not good English, and thank for every one in this Good forum.
  4. Thanks, i will try now. if used lazy load it's resolve the problem ? and how can active gzip? i tried to activate it in vps and by use htaccess but faild. and what's the website u used to analytics of speed?
  5. Thanks i removed modernizer and now the website better. and i have one question, if the arrays make website slow ?
  6. when remove modernizer script the website doesn't show any content
  7. What DomContentLoaded mean? and why it's talk 27 second in my website ? how can reduce it. another question i notice my website doesn't showing any content until it finished load all content hidden. how can resolve that? i use vps
  8. I agree with u, but the problem why it slowly when download the images, if u can see now i remove the slider it's the big images, now the website faster. the really problem if u notice the logo it's take 1.1 minutes to full download, u can see the picture i attached. and the size of logo just 324 Byte.
  9. I'm building a site and i noticed that loading time is very slow when we enter the site address for the first time. It takes about 1 minute or more just to start loading files and displaying the content. However, after that period it's very fast and everything is ok. Once the page(s) is/are loaded, i can refresh them quickly and without any delay. any one faced like this problem? and what can i do to resolve it. more details: ProcessWire 3.0.80 hosted type: VPS this message appear in admin dashboard: " Warning: your server locale is undefined and may cause issues. Please add this to /site/config.php file (adjust “en_US.UTF-8” as needed): setlocale(LC_ALL,'en_US.UTF-8');" The site: http://almanassah.net
  10. Thank u, It's worked method with JS. and still the problem with css files.
  11. Hello everyone, I'm new in Processwire CMS. and when i create my first website on it i notice it's very slowly. i tried use AIOM module to resolve the problem but when i try using this the website doesn't open it's appear Blank page can anybody help me, and tell me where the problem? Thanks.
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