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Everything posted by Henner7

  1. Thanks, I have overseen this easy approach. Thanks to all for the help. I think we can close this thread now. If you like to have a look on my pages: https://tsvwesthausen.de
  2. Thank you, I assume this is the final answer. Something seems to have changed in the last versions of processwire. I did a further test: If I try to create a field "id", I get the error message: Field name "id" is a reserved word. Therefore there can never be a field called 'id' in a template.
  3. Thank you, however, this did not change anythin.
  4. I have a question about the hasField function. I run the following code in site/templates/_main.php: $myPages = $pages->find('parent=/abteilungen')->sort('title'); foreach($myPages as $item) { print $item->title."<br />"; if($item->hasField('id')) { print "hasId"; } else { print "hasNoId"; } I get for all items "hasNoId". With processwire 3.0.123 and Php 7.2.13. For older Php 5.6 and older processwire versions the field 'id' was found. Also, I know that each item should have a field 'id' anyway but I think this can not always be taken as granted. Any suggestions?
  5. Thank you so much for your fast reply. I am glad that I can rely on such a good community. My processwire sites: hendrich.org and tsvwesthausen.de
  6. Good morning, there is a function getDisplayBasename in InputfieldFile.module which has a default parameter $maxLength = 25. However I can not see to change this value as from the backend. I suggest, to set the default value to 100 (nowadays screens are larger) or making this parameter available to the backend. Anybody knows if there is a bugtracker in processwire where I can add feature requests or improvements? Christian
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