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Posts posted by SarbjitGrewal

  1. On 8/22/2017 at 12:45 PM, kuba2 said:


    Quite a basic question from me:

    I am wondering what's the best approach to code cards like in the example image. What is the most elegant and efficient way to make these.

    Thanks for any suggestions.




    If you can implement images directly that would be better than coding for each image. 

  2. I have included a repeater on my page (well, four to be exact) but I am having an issue on how to loop through the Repeater in the code behind to retrieve the value of a text box in each row....


    add_action( 'genesis_entry_content', 'your_plugin_slug_repeater_loop' );
     * your_plugin_slug_repeater_loop function.
     * @access public
     * @return void
    function your_plugin_slug_repeater_loop() {
    	$rows = get_field( '_your_repeater_field' );  //this is the ACF instruction to get everything in the repeater field
    	$i = 0;  //this is a variable which sets up the counter starting at 0
    	if($rows) {
    		echo '<ul class="your-class-list">';
    		foreach($rows as $row) {	
    			$i++; //this says keep counting
    			if( $i % 3 == 1) { // this says, if the item number is divisible by 3 then
    				$class = '&nbsp;first' ;  // add this class
    				$i = 1;  // then reset the counter back to 1
    				$class = ''; //otherwise don't output anything
    				echo '<li class="repeater-item one-third' .  $class .'"><span class="repeater-title">' . $row['name_of_repeater']. '</span><a title="'. $row['name_of_repeater'] . '" href="' . $row['link_to_repeater'] .'"><img class="" src="' . $row['item_repeater'] .'" /></a><a href="' . $row['link_to_repeater'] .'" class="button">Download PDF&nbsp('.  $row['pdf_size'] . ')</a></li>';
    		echo '</ul>';


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