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Status Updates posted by mindplay.dk

  1. many new Windows 8 apps have no OK/APPLY buttons - you use the X to apply. In Windows, close has always implied cancel. Am I on a Mac now?

  2. microsoft now provides bootable VirtualBox and VMWare (Player) images with IE7/8/9 - nice!

  3. Mike Rogers making a major ass of himself while commenting on CISPA http://t.co/HZ6kItPNYA

  4. Mononome samples old vinyl, chops it on a sampler, and turns it into brilliant new music http://t.co/OQh0MEb9vT

  5. More important than any new discovery in our lifetime: http://t.co/lfrtqIEEWq - please watch and share!

  6. more than 10 years ago, an employer told me, "you put too much honor into your work!" - I have been honored to disappoint him ever since :-)

  7. more than 200 users voted for Stylus support in @phpstorm by now http://t.co/mf4ipeI2EY - played with Stylus on friday, fairly impressive.

  8. moved my timestamp helper to a real repo and added namespace for autoloading http://t.co/qaYp9uVhrR

  9. my modular router for #php is very near 1.0 release - now has proper documentation, a unit-test and sex-appeal! http://t.co/MnS9tJOtGz

  10. NASA plans to capture an asteroid http://t.co/3LEWSQTrJH and it's not even april 1st yet

  11. nice example of responsive layout http://t.co/dS7fFZcxy5

  12. nice, inspiring keynote by @raganwald at @TrueNorthPhp - I'm in a good, receptive frame of mind now :-)

  13. no (simple or generic) way to select "page x" of query results with SQL server. wow. stunning. I'm lost for words.

  14. NOOOOOO. http://t.co/q014b0tM God help us all if newbies actually learn things from articles like this one.

  15. ObjectLoaderBuilderFactory - really? wow. abstraction can work it's way so far from the real objective that nobody understands what it is.

  16. OH "The scariest part of #CISPA is how broad and loose it is, like some sort of giant, poorly-built rope bridge. Over a volcano."

  17. oh no, php, you didn't... function fool($you, $me, $me) { var_dump($you, $me); } fool('you', 'me', 'cheater');

  18. okay, never mind - it almost works, but it's buggy in the latest @PhpStorm release... filing a bug-report...

  19. Opinion: icon fonts are a terrible solution to the retina/scalability problem http://t.co/DTnmoaLKjZ

  20. ouch! php and ruby are like oil and water http://t.co/Pvv03LLt

  21. our health insurance does not cover a $200 foot support, for which we have a prescription. we pay $1200 a month. #healthcare #hoax #furious

  22. Parallella: http://t.co/DJlcMBPH - do they have something remarkable? or just a marketing ploy to exploit the crowd-sourcing phenomenon?

  23. password cryptography makes it sound like you're cooking: first salt it, then hash it, then let it simmer in a warm database - delicious!

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