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Everything posted by creativeguy

  1. I found a few threads about this, and the answer is exactly what I expected - if you want to include a file, just go ahead and include a file. The problem is, I obviously go one more problem backward than everyone else who's asked this, because I can't make it work. I'm a VERY new developer (long time graphic designer). I can write an includes statement, but no version of config urls or templates roots or whatever gets me there. How Do I included a PHP file that's in my templates folder, inside another folder called "include", but get to that by using a config method so it doesn't lose the path when I deploy it? It's too simple a question for anyone else to have asked - yeah, I'm that new to all this. Help is appreciated.
  2. I'll try now - I appreciate that you're taking time to help me, by the way. Thanks.
  3. That didn't return any errors, but same result when I try to login.
  4. Tried that. Same result. No content found for Login. I also tried your code snippet on Home - returned a configuration error.
  5. I renamed the plugin, but still no login content was found. This is pretty strange. Maybe I should try a fresh install, and just replace the site folder with my current one? Incognito window - same result.
  6. No, and now I can't log in to the admin at all. I keep getting the ProcessLogin does not exist.
  7. I'll try that too. FYI, I just installed the cache module. I logged out, and this happened...
  8. I'll give that a try. No, at this point, I've never made any changes related to caching, but that obviously makes sense. I'll try that plugin.
  9. I tried searching this, assuming I'd see others with the same issues, but I didn't see any similar threads, but apology if this is a repeat topic. The site looks normal (as designed) while I'm logged in to the admin. If I log out, the CSS changes. Been working on a site with a custom login page. The custom login is NOT being used to log into PW admin, however it does know and indicates I'm logged in. It's a user facing login for members. I was working on the site all day yesterday making CSS changes and adding some javascript to handle a video button that changes videosource. Prior to adding this JS, I never had this issue. The site looked normal when logged in or out, That was WITH the custom login. I didn't even know what code to post if any, since this seems REALLY weird. Any thoughts on what might cause such behavior? NOTE: I'm a graphic designer recently turned bad-developer, slowly improving. So, please filter your suggestions to someone with less than the common level of knowledge here.
  10. I found a new bit of Javascript someone had written which allowed me to set the src with an event listener on a button click. Within that JS function, the field can be called that holds the alternate video link. Worked out perfectly.
  11. Hey Dragan - I appreciate the follow up. One reason I didn't mention that I had abandoned this approach is because on one particular template, there are multiple videos being called through a foreach loop. The original code was setting all the videos to the same single video. I haven't tried your code as yet, but before I do, do you see an issue there?
  12. In case anyone reads this thread and wonders what happened, I've ultimately given up this approach in favour of finding an existing video player that has a resolution selector.
  13. Still returns "#" as the source. EDIT: I've added the JS to the scripts section of _main to be clear.
  14. Unfortunately not. The "#" keeps persisting as the source. I think I may have to sit down with the developer again - usually when it makes no sense, it's because I've implemented into the theme incorrectly.
  15. Thanks for the help psy! I knew that was going to be easier than I thought. Makes too much sense, so I couldn't see it. That said, I'm still getting a "#" for the source, so no video is being loaded from the changeVid(); function. My understanding was that the # would be replaced by the JS, but that seems not the case. You answered my PW question, thank you. Looks like I have to do some more troubleshooting on the JS.
  16. Hey all - I'm a graphic designer making the transition to web design and have been learning PW from my developer business partner. First post. So, I've got a bit of code that's NOT working, but pretty sure it's CLOSE to working. I just get a null result, not errors. I have a feeling that the reason I haven't found an answer to this is because this is so simple and straight forward, no one's ever had this problem. It's my new-ness to the development world. Anyway, the idea is that I'm calling a video, and triggering one of 2 files, depending on the screen size. However, I'm stuck at the video source part. I (stupidly) tried to call to the $page->field like PHP only to remember this is JS. How do I get a $page value in this case? This code was a snippet I found (not mine), but you'll see in v0 and v1 is where I'm trying (and failing) to grab the video URL from Amazon S3. <!--my JS--> <script> var v = new Array(); v[0] = $page->video_720->url; v[1] = $page->video_1080->url; function changeVid() { var video = document.getElementById('video'); if (screen.height <= 720) video.setAttribute("src", v[0]); else if (screen.height > 720) video.setAttribute("src", v[1]); video.load(); } changeVid(); </script> <!--html--> <!--Video--> <video id='video' poster='<?= $page->poster->url ?>' preload controls> <source src='#' type='video/mp4'/> </video>
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