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About creativeguy

  • Birthday 04/01/1966

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    Toronto Canada
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    Creative, design

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  1. Hi gents, I didn’t see these replies until now. Thank you for the recommendations, I’ll start with visiting the web host to see what’s what and try echoing the path, first. I’ll pop a reply back here if that presents an issue.
  2. I'm not terribly active here - I'm a designer, not a developer - and I have a working knowledge of, and have created sites with, ProcessWire in the past. A developer friend I used to freelance with, who was an avid user of ProcessWire, passed away in 2020 at the top of the pandemic. Every now and again, a site he developed hits my desk, because the client knows me, and assumes I'm the same as Anthony (the late friend). If it's garden variety HTML/CSS/PHP or basic ProcessWire issues, I can usually help. Not this time. The issue: the client doesn't have login credentials. All he has is a dev server link from 2016 that no longer exists. He's not tech savvy, and doesn't understand a live server vs a dev server or what information I'm asking him for. From my past projects with Anthony, our login path was usually one of a couple variations of websiteurl.com/someadminpathname <- and I've tried each one we commonly used, but he didn't use any of them on this site, for some reason. So, I'm not sure if MY usual credentials would even work or whether I'm in the db at all. Anthony often made me an admin on sites he developed incase my help was needed, but I can't even test my creds, because I can't figure out the admin pathway, and my client doesn't know what to look for in the 100+ emails between them from 2016. So, either there's a ProcessWire "magic trick" that can reveal the admin pathway, or I need some guidance on where in the ProcessWire files this information could be found and edited, and if neither of us have active credentials, how can they be injected into the database? Or how can Anthony's legacy credentials be found? This could either be some guidance from members, or we might hire someone to spend some time helping us by doing this investigative work, if it's not as easy as a few posts here. Any help?
  3. Hi all, After a google search and a couple searches on processwire nothing turned up, but thought it was still worth asking here. Is there anything resembling a discussion forum module or plugin (not sure the best term) that can be installed in a PW site that would provide the tools to build a community forum? Thanks in advance for any pointers.
  4. Thanks @ryan - I'm Shawn, and my friend that passed was Anthony Taylor. Apparently he corresponded with you to some extent. It was the htaccess as you said. Thanks for the help.
  5. Hi all - I'm a designer with a little coding experience. My friend, a PW user, forum contributor, developer, passed away in 2020. I've now inherited a number of projects he worked on. I know a beginner level about processwire, but I'm not a server/technical guy. So, my issue is likely so simple, it's not even a problem, but it is to me, in any case. I grabbed a copy of a live site built a couple years back, and installed it locally in my Mac MAMP dev environment. I managed to reconnect the site to the DB on my local and can visit the local URL and the site loads. However, if I click on any page in the menu I get a "Page not found" error. When the main page does load, when I turn on debugging, I get this message: Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/giftfunds/wire/core/PagesLoader.php on line 138 I can find that page, but I don't know what that error means, or if it's an error, or if its related to my problem. That line of code is as follows: if($selector[0] == '/') $selector = "path=$selector"; A little guidance would be appreciated.
  6. I'll take a look. That other site has since moved to a different platform (no longer hosted by me), but I do have an archive version. I'll pop the admin open on my local and take a look at the differences. That might take a week or so, though. I'll update this once I'm able to do that.
  7. Thanks both of you for the help. Actually, your dialogue back and forth got me to thinking I should check the blog post entry in the admin. I found the issue. There seems to be an error between the comments manager as a separate utility, and the comments on the page itself. The same comment that is "Approved" in the comments manager is marked "SPAM" on the blog-post page in the admin. Once I set the status inside the post VS the manager, the correct status is reflected on the site. So, there's a problem between the comments manager and the site-wide approval of the comments. Weird.
  8. Sorry, I wasn't clear. Approved comments are not showing up on the site. Yes, I have another PW site that uses comments and it works as you describe. This site does not. No comments, approved or otherwise, appear on the site. I only see them on the site if I'm logged in.
  9. Yes, I went through that as well, as I mentioned, I can't see anything in my settings that would prevent a user from seeing comments.
  10. Hi everyone. First, my blog site is NSFW. It's a sex doll blog. FYI. I just realized today that people have been commenting away on the blog, but I didn't even know. They weren't (and still aren't) displaying on the site. I just thought no one was engaging with comments. Nope. I only realized it because I was logged in and writing a blog post. I forget why, but this time I stayed logged in to the admin and loaded a post to check something, then saw a whack of comments. But, it was half legit and half SPAM. I popped over to another browser where I wasn't logged in and there were no comments displayed. I then popped into the admin and checked the comments - sure enough they they are. But, they have been set variations of either "Pending" or "SPAM". I was seeing them all on the posts. I then checked the template - not written by me, and I'm not a developer at the level of most here - I'm a creative pro with some experience. I can't recognize a glaring problem, but obviously there is one and I can't diagnose it. On the blog-post.php template, here's the code to kick out a blog post comment and the form: <?php // blog post content echo dbbBlogPost(page()); // comments $comments = page()->comments; // comment list if(count($comments)) { echo ukHeading3("Comments", "icon=comments"); echo ukComments($comments); } // comment form echo ukHeading3("Post a comment", "icon=comment"); echo ukCommentForm($comments); // link to the next blog post, if there is one $nextPost = page()->next(); if($nextPost->id): ?> <p class='next-blog-post'> Next <?=ukIcon('chevron-right')?> <a href='<?=$nextPost->url?>'><?=$nextPost->title?></a> </p> <?php endif; ?> This is what's in the _func.php: function dbbBlogPost(Page $page, $options = array()) { $defaults = array( 'summarize' => null, // Display blog post summary rather than full post? (null=auto-detect) 'metaIcon' => 'info-circle', 'moreIcon' => 'angle-right', 'moreText' => __('Read full post'), 'categoryIcon' => 'hashtag', 'bylineText' => __('Posted by %1$s on %2$s'), ); $options = _ukMergeOptions($defaults, $options); $title = $page->title; $date = $page->get('date|createdStr'); $name = $page->post_author->title; $body = $page->get('body'); $mainImage = $page->image->url; $metaIcon = "<i class='fas fa-".$options['metaIcon']."'></i>"; $moreIcon = "<i class='fas fa-".$options['moreIcon']."'></i>"; $categoryIcon = "<i class='fas fa-".$options['categoryIcon']."'></i>"; $n = $page->get('comments')->count(); $numComments = $n ? "<a href='$page->url#comments'>" . ukIcon('comments') . " $n</a>" : ""; $gallery = ""; if($options['summarize'] === null) { // auto-detect: summarize if current page is not the same as the blog post $options['summarize'] = page()->id != $page->id; } $categories = $page->get('categories')->each($categoryIcon . "<a class='uk-button uk-button-text' href='{url}'>{title}</a> " ); if($options['summarize']) { // link to post in title, and use just the first paragraph in teaser mode $title = "<a href='$page->url'>$title</a>"; // $body = sanitizer()->truncate($body, $options['summarizeOptions']); $body = explode('</p>', $body); $body = reset($body) . ' '; $body .= "<div class='post-preview-more'><a href='$page->url'>$options[moreText] $moreIcon</a></div>"; $class = 'blog-post-summary'; } else { $class = 'blog-post-full'; } if($options['summarize']) { $heading = "<h2 class='uk-margin-remove'>$title</h2>"; } else { $heading = "<h1 class='uk-article-title uk-margin-remove'>$title</h1>"; } $byline = sprintf($options['bylineText'], $name, $date); if(!$options['summarize'] && $page->gallery) { $gallery = renderGallery($page); } // return the blog post article markup return " <article class='uk-article blog-post $class'> <img class='feature-image' src='$mainImage' alt='Post image' /> $heading <p class='uk-margin-small'> <span class='uk-article-meta'> $metaIcon $byline </span> <span class='categories'> $categories </span> </p> $body $gallery </article> <hr> "; } I also know there's a comments field with various settings, but nothing I can find there would prohibit anyone from seeing comments, nor would it specifically show a logged in user all comments including SPAM. Any guidance would be appreciated.
  11. I posted something here about a year ago for the same reason, but now a different site. My developer partner and Processwire guy Anthony passed away in 2020. I now have to make some modifications to a PW site he created for one of our clients. Not sure how best to describe the issues, but I'll try. The site was hacked and redirecting to a Viagra website. He called me, and I asked him to contact GoDaddy, as this wasn't really a design issue. They sorted it out, but recommended he update the PW version and change the DB passwords, etc. My actions: I downloaded the latest PW and installed it as a blank profile I grabbed the DB data from GoDaddy and updated my local database I pulled down the "site" folder to get all the front-end files, etc. When I connected my clean PW install to the existing site data everything went haywire. When I log into the admin, I get these errors: Modules: Configurable module check failed for FieldtypeImage. If this error persists, please do a Modules > Refresh. Field: Fieldtype 'FieldtypeTextareas' does not exist Field: Fieldtype 'FieldtypeTable' does not exist Modules: Configurable module check failed for FieldtypeFile. If this error persists, please do a Modules > Refresh. Modules: Configurable module check failed for PagePathHistory. If this error persists, please do a Modules > Refresh. Then there's a list of "36 module version changes" followed by a number of "System updater ... skipped" items. I know Anthony used several Pro PW Admin add ons for grouping fields and such. I don't have those. Is that what's triggering this issue? Will I have to purchase all of them now as well, to be able to load and edit a site? Or is this something else? Did I do this the wrong way from the start? Some help would be appreciated - I'm a creative pro with limited knowledge of back-end.
  12. Awesome, thanks Robin. That's what I needed.
  13. Hi - wondering if there's a module or plugin for PW that would allow users to "Sign up for access" that would also manage what pages of a site are accessible to someone who's signed up using a valid email address? I did a search but didn't see anything of the sort. Thought I'd post here in case I'm missing something because I'm not searching the right terms. Again, I want to replace the "pay for access" my website currently uses for something that uses validated email as the signup mechanic. The idea is that users who sign up must "click to validate" their email address, and that allows them to "join site and get access to content". Any existing tools of this sort?
  14. I have a blog site that uses Processwire (among a few PW sites), but it was developed by my late friend, so I don't know of he used any special PW features to make it more "bloggy". I think he did, and I recall there was a blog-based theme or something, but I don't remember. Anyway... for the blog I'm considering adding a discussion forum to try and grow that as part of the brand. Is there a PW discussion forum tool? I know there are tools like phpBB, but before I look into that, I'd like to keep it in PW, if there is such a tool and IMPORTANTLY if it's secure.
  15. With help from Elabx, I'm now able to see it again on FF. The HTTP was being redirected to HTTPS so it was failing to load. Problem solved.
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