Wondering if anyone can help me get past a sticking point.
I'm setting up a Processwire instance in a multiple site setup (using Soma's multisite) to run several related websites. I am getting stuck on the tagging system that I am using (adapted from a standalone PW site I'm running). I have the tags themselves set up as Pages, and the Tags field on the related pages is and ASMselect field that populates based on the pages underneath /tags/ in the tree. This system works fine on the standalone site.
Where I am running into issues, is with trying to use them with the multisite setup. Specifically, choosing the proper subset of pages for tags on the ASMselect input tab. I want to choose only the tag pages for the site in question.
My tree is laid out like this:
Multisite /
| site1.com
| subsections
| site2.com
| subsections
| Tags
| site1.com
| tagA
| tagB
| site2.com
| tagC
So far, the best I've been able to do is to use 'parent.has_parent=/tags/' in the Custom Find or Selector String portion of the Selectable Pages section of the input. This gives me the options of choosing tagA, tagB, or tagC on a page under site1.com. What I'd like to find is a selector that allows me to only see tagA, tagB as options from a page under site1.com and only tagC on a page under site2.com.
Elsewhere in my php templates, I'm using $page->rootParent->title to set the proper scope and URLs for things, but I have not found a way to get that to work in this field input setup. I am trying to avoid creating specific fields and templates for each site, as unified templates were part of the purpose of going with a multisite install.
Thanks in advance for any ideas.