Hi everyone!
ProcessWire is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. Can you imagine actually having fun rolling out a CMS?
Problem is after two days I found one of my new websites showing nothing but a blank page, with no obvious way of debugging. Set $config->debug to true, disabled compilation, the works. What had happened was that config.php was not readable any more by the server, due to some ACL changes I had made (I had u:wwwrun:r--, and then when I chmod'ed the file from 640 to 600, it got masked to u:wwwrun:---).
That also means in order to debug it I had to instrument the top-level index.php file, which is a bit scary...
Funnily enough, this line
$config = ProcessWire::buildConfig($rootPath);
causes $config to be nothing (I guess that means empty string, not NULL or anything), so "echo $config;" doesn't display anything in the browser either...
Can I suggest to add a sanity check here to see if $config has been populated? Forgive me for not making a pull request, I'm pretty new to ProcessWire, and I'm not sure I could tackle it in an internally consistent way...
Again, kudos² to all devs and contributors, best regards, Jörn