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  1. Today I was looking online to see what Content Management Systems are out there when I came across ProcessWire and by far the thing that caught my eye the most was the SkyScraper Demo. Until today I'd never heard of ProcessWire but the SkyScraper demo I saw looked so similar to a number of Google Maps based ideas I've had for such a long time. For example creating a website for my local town of places to eat and things to do based on their location. I have a shared hosting company that offers cPanel and when I checked ProcessWire 3.0.61 was available. Is it possible to install ProcessWire through cPanel and then add the profile / files that make the Skyscraper Demo work? or do you have to install everything from scratch? being able to add it after installing on cPanel would be awesome, since it also automated backups, upgrades, etc. I'm very keen to play with the Sky Scraper Demo as I learn best when I have an existing demo site to edit and play with rather than starting from scratch with a totally blank website. Also are there any ProcessWire demo websites worth checking out that are similar to the SkyScraper demo, i.e. sites based on things on a Google Map?
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