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Everything posted by future_vision

  1. So this might be another horribly uninformed question. Please forgive me. I'm not a programmer by trade. Ok. So I have some background in web development but not much. mostly HTML and CSS. Last year I started to get a bit interested in web components and specifically Google's implementation via Polymer. From what I read back then it was hit or miss with browser support although there was always polyfill. Now, with Polymer 2.0 the bugs seemed to have been worked out and the support is now there across the browsers. So my question is can web components be used with Processwire? Again, I apologize if this is an uninformed question. Cheers!
  2. Thanks Kiwi Chris. So, this is similar to what I want to do but both the parent site and the microsites will have a lot more functionality and sharing of content. The multi-instance mode Ivan mentioned might be an option. I'll need to be able to spin up a new microsites as needed and might even want to allow for some level of expansion on what I put together not that I could effectively prevent that is allow admin access at the microsite level. Definitely something to think about. Thanks for sharing.
  3. Thanks Ivan. The budget on this is "$0". It's all sweat equity and even then it might not be adopted. Either way it'll be a great learning experience if I tackle it and quite possibly reusable for other projects. You've definitely given me some things to think about.
  4. Hmmm. I don't see chapters sharing data between each other but I can see them sharing data with the parent site for use by any of the chapters in some cases. Let's take an image gallery for example. Each chapter would have their own image gallery but the parent site would have access to all of the images regardless of chapter. Another more complex example might be projects. Each chapter might have a project(s) they are working on. In some cases they might want to keep the project secret. It won't be show on their site in this case. In other cases they may have completed a project and want toopen source it to the community in which case they would expose it on their site and on the parent site.
  5. Some already have their own domains but I would set this up independent of them. Probably as subdomains. It would be up to them if they want to redirect to their chapter page or just leave the chapter page as a general info page that points back to their own site. Ideally I would want to provide all the functionality they require so they can just migrate over. At the top level there will need to be a super admin that can control the parent site, the initial deployment of the chapter sites and has ability to access the chapter sites in case the owner of the chapter site were to step down or become unavailable. If I could put together a solid set of pages, features/functionality I don't imagine they will differ much. There may be some distinction of chapters based on their focus. for example a set of chapters might focus on topic A and another on topic B. I guess, in that case, I should say their will be groupings of chapters. All chapters will have a large percentage of pages and features/functionality in common. Each chapter grouping may require extra pages and features/functionality but that will also be common with the other chapters in the grouping. Hope this helps clarify things a bit. I'm just getting started with this project so there are a number of things I haven't worked through yet. This is largely a discovery process at the moment to determine which platform is going to work best for this project. ProcessWire seems super flexible and could be perfect for this task especially since the community I am putting together does include a good size percentage of developers. The may appreciate an open source, developer friendly CMS with a solid API over Wordpress
  6. I am completely new to the paradigm ProcessWire brings to the CMS world so please forgive me if this question is less than intelligent. I'm not a programmer by trade either. Here is what i am looking to do. I am looking at building out a community site which will essentially consist of a parent site for the entire organization and individual sites for each chapter within the organization. I'm thinking that I can deploy chapter sites based on a defined set of templates/functionally to make it easy to get up and running and to keep an easy to maintain code base. How would I go about building something like this? I can see ways to cobble something like this together but i am wondering what a best practice would look like.
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