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  1. thanks for the reply I will have a look into this and see if I can find someone who may be able to help me out as I know little about code. All I do know is this was working fine until a few months ago. Seems the biggest issue is with mobile or smart phones. Thanks again and I will get back to you. :0)
  2. P.S. sorry Rick, I forgot to say thank you for responding.
  3. The other point I forgot is that I will often receive multiple requests for the same booking come through. Cheers :0)
  4. Firstly i am getting an Error coming up on my website www.reeflodge.com.au when people are trying to make a booking. It says "Sorry something has gone wrong please try again later" The website designer is no longer around and I can't seem to find anyone who works with Processwire and everyone wants to move me over to Wordpress at a big $$$ cost. Can anyone one help me please? Screen shot attached Thanks Dean
  5. Have sent 2 messages to try and get help with process wire issue over the lat 2 weeks. Does anyone reply to request for help. Or is it just a matter there is no support. Dean Nixon-Harding
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