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Everything posted by AmilcarMarques

  1. Hi Adrian, Yes, there was some debugging going on. It should have not stopped the admin page to run, though. Another mistery... Thanks, Amilcar
  2. Hi Andreas, inga3d is the top level folder of the domain and for the PW installation. The way I see it, on initialization everything is fine but somehow later on the variables are changed and get a wrong value. This is curious because if I login as admin everything works ok... Amilcar
  3. Hi Andreas, Thanks. The templates do use the $config->url->templates and it is correctly assigned "site/templates/" on the toplevel index.php. However afterwards it seems to be changed somewhere in the code. Any idea on where this might be happening? Thanks, Amilcar
  4. Hi, Sorry if this is too basic but it is becoming a big problem. We had a PW 2.2 production site and we had to relocate it recently. Since then the generated absolute URLs are incorrect (one slash is missing) and some files are not accessed, like css files. For instance, in <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://knowledge4foot.eu/inga3dsite/templates/styles/main.css" /> the slash between inga3d and site disappeared. However if I do a page view from the admin side, everything works fine because the generated URLs are relative <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/site/templates/styles/main.css" /> Can you help me? Thanks, Amilcar
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