Hi Ryan
Some Vimeo videos are - probably due to the video settings - addressed with a double video ID, see for example https://vimeo.com/375900955/606ffc53b1. However, the TextformatterVideoEmbed module only supports video URLs with a single video ID. I have solved the problem for our customer with the following provisional change in the module code:
protected function embedVimeo(&$str) {
if(strpos($str, '://vimeo.com/') === false) return;
// original module code
// works only with one video id e.g. https://vimeo.com/150348620
//if(!preg_match_all('#<p>\s*(https?://vimeo.com/(\d+)).*?</p>#', $str, $matches)) return;
// new module code
// works with single and double video id e.g. https://vimeo.com/150348620 and https://vimeo.com/375900955/606ffc53b1
if(!preg_match_all('#<p>\s*(https?://vimeo.com/(\d+)/?([a-z0-9]+)?)</p>#', $str, $matches)) return;
foreach($matches[0] as $key => $line) {
$oembedURL =
"$this->http://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url=" . urlencode($matches[1][$key]) .
$videoID = $matches[2][$key];
// additional modul code (adds second video id, if exists)
if(isset($matches[3][$key]) && $matches[3][$key] != '')
$videoID .= '/'.$matches[3][$key];
$embedCode = $this->getEmbedCode($oembedURL, $videoID);
if($this->responsive) $embedCode = $this->makeResponsive($embedCode);
if($embedCode) $str = str_replace($line, $embedCode, $str);
I would be grateful if you, Ryan, could solve the problem with the double Vimeo Video ID in case of a module upgrade.
NOTE: I replaced my code 2020-01-13. The code posted 2020-01-07 only worked in my particular environment. Sorry!