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Posts posted by Kai

  1. Can I reactivate this post? I want to add a simple: 

    <div style="width:400px;"> 

    But it does not work with CKEditor. 

    I am in the setup of a "body" field where the editor is used. In the "Input" tab I have: 

    1. Use ACF: Yes (as required, but tried also No)

    2. Use HTML Purifier: No

    3. Extra Allowed Content: 

    3B. Also tried: div(*){*}[*] 

    But it still does not work :( 

    Has somebody solved this already?


    Ouch ... There was an option above enabled that I overlooked: 

    "Convert div tags to paragraph tags"

    The culprit! =) 

  2. I plan a community-based project using ProcessWire. 

    The requirements: 

    User management

    1. User sign up by email, google, linkedin, facebook (there is a module, but it has no 3rd party login)
    2. User management by admin (see user list, filter new users, edit user data, block users)
    3. Each user gets a profile page, being able to edit his own data
    4. users can specify arbitrary user fields (self-defined) - I did this once in another framework by a meta-table: "userid | title | value" and could throw in whatever I needed 
    5. each user can define his own custom URL for his profile page
    6. users can password protect their profiles
    7. anti-spam: Flag button for profiles, track number of login attempts then block


    1. users can find other users
    2. search must index all user fields / user data
    3. Ajax search suggest


    1. Logging of all users events (e.g. user A accessed profile of user B, user C logged in, user D got blocked by admin, etc.) and display frontend for each user
    2. Scanning contact data from Google Contacts (like Facebook and other social networks are doing it) and importing it into PW
    3. option to have all pages served via https 
    4. certain e-mail interactions (like sending a note from one user to another) 

    I was considering to do the development by myself. However, I am short on time. This is why I would like a PW-experienced developer to take over this work, who is fast, works structured and precise, comments his code, and progresses while understanding the entire concept of the project.

    I need:

    1. Your quote for the work above,
    2. a proof of your ProcessWire experience,
    3. The MVP done within a few days.

    If you have written a PW module before, let me know. Maybe parts of the work above can also be open-sourced to help all PW developers.  

    Please send me your quotes via PM until 25 Sep 2016. Thank you!


  3. Hi everyone, I want to start a new project that is community-based and would like to use PW for that. 

    Some of the requirements: 

    User management

    1. User sign up by email, google, linkedin, facebook
    2. User management by admin
    3. each user gets a profile page
    4. each user can define his own custom URL for his profile page
    5. users can password protect their profiles
    6. anti-spam: Flag button for profiles, track number of login attempts then block
    7. users can specify arbitrary user fields (!) (self-defined) - I did this once in another framework by a meta-table: "userid | title | value" 


    1. users can find other users,
    2. search must index all user fields 


    1. Logging of all users events (e.g. user A accessed profile of user B, user C logged in, user D got blocked by admin, etc.)
    2. all pages via https 
    3. Let's imagine there would be 100 000 users - Will it still be fast enough?


    Can ProcessWire fulfill all those requirements?


  4. Thanks, regarding the identifier I also thought of adding the pageid directly. Something like pageid:33 within the URL should work in most cases when parsing. 

    I just hoped that there is a core feature like that or an existing module. 

    That would also help (when only using page ids) to prevent renaming conflicts and page 404 not found issues.

  5. I changed my hosting to digital ocean and was facing the same problem, how to monitor my virtual server. Started a small discussion over there: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/alert-notification-when-server-is-down

    User sierracircle pointed out his free script (install via SSH): https://github.com/sierracircle/services-checker/issues/1

    The nice thing about this script: It will *restart* your apache and your mysql.

    Hope that helps too.


    PS: Trying out the google docs monitor script, correct link is: http://www.labnol.org/internet/website-uptime-monitor/21060/ If that works, it would be extremely helpful :)

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  6. Preamble: Processwire is awesome and the freedom of development is quite insane. 


    When using CKEditor and entering a URL, it says: "Enter a URL, email address, anchor, or enter word(s) to find a page."

    I have installed the multilingual module, so I need to target: /en/contact/ and /de/contact/ and /lt/contact/

    Adding a link to the text, I can only add one of those 3 contact links. 

    When copying the text (including links) into another body (another language), then I need to edit each link to set the correct language - every time. 

    Idea for solution: 

    Is it possible to allow entering either: 

    1. The page id (then the module could read this and create a URL), or: 

    2. A placeholder for the language, e.g. "*contact" (then the module could replace the asterisk with the language identifier)


    Thanks in advance for your ideas.

  7. Yes, exactly what I did. For others that have the same issue: 

    1. Add Field: showinmenu (type: checkbox) 

    2. Assign field to the template(s) you need

    3. Put this into your _head.php: 

    <ul class='topnav'>
    	$children = $pages->get('/')->children()->find('showinmenu=1');
    	// render an <li> for each top navigation item
    	foreach($children as $child) 
    		if($child->id == $page->rootParent->id) 
    			// this $child page is currently being viewed (or one of it's children/descendents)
    			// so we highlight it as the current page in the navigation
    			echo '
    				<a class="nav-item is-active" href="'.$child->url.'">'.$child->title.'</a>
    			echo '
    				<a class="nav-item" href="'.$child->url.'">'.$child->title.'</a>
    	// output an "Edit" link if this page happens to be editable by the current user
    		echo '
    			<a class="nav-item edit" href="'.$page->editUrl.'">Edit</a>


  8. I tried the demo template and discovered that also other menu builders are using the Status field of a page called "Hidden: Excluded from lists and searches" for the decision if a page should be part of the menu or not. 

    $children = $homepage->children();   // does obviously read all non-hidden pages
    foreach($children as $child) {...}

    The admin should be able to decide: [ x ] show in menu   [ x ] hidden from searches 

    Combining those options into one field is by design wrong.

    Or have I missed any other option here? 


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