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  1. Hi to all! First of all -> Thank you for this great module. I had a problem on rendering the results. Progressbars had always a width of 100%, because they do not take "," in Chrome. I managed to fix it by declaring round($var, 0) on line 231 of the module! foreach($answers as $answer) { $answer->vote_percent = isset($data[$answer->id]) ? round((100/$total) * $data[$answer->id]['vote_count'], 0) : 0; //change $answer->vote_count = isset($data[$answer->id]) ? $data[$answer->id]['vote_count'] : 0; $data[$answer->id]['vote_text'] = $answer->title; $data[$answer->id]['vote_count'] = $answer->vote_count; $data[$answer->id]['vote_percent'] = round($answer->vote_percent); } Just in case sombody has this issue too. Now it works perfektly!
  2. Thank you - was my fault. While installing the module with modulesmanager I just found the options module. Daaaaaaaah hours for nothing . Great support! So People get both modules and watch the pw magic happen.
  3. Update to 3.3 is not possible. I am running pw in 3.0.18. I created a field named videos - put textformatter to embed youtube... - $page->video is just showing the url CKEditor is used and the <p> tags are set. What am I doing wrong?
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