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  1. Liest sich wie in Perry Rhodan … "Robotaxis" ;-) https://t.co/aIjYfS4Ejf

  2. A video you should watch: HSH Nordbank DE https://t.co/3zLSPtha44

  3. @Anaesthasia_ viel Erfolg

  4. "Think about the user!" requires a PM to understand that a user uses a product to improve himself. https://t.co/8pY6jJKgMn

  5. Three points that will "rip and replace" your next year's Marketing Plan #digital #disruption #beprepared https://t.co/GjprHAwSJG

  6. A great video explaining the idea behind PACE: "Customer journeys from the customers' perspective" by @nMerge https://t.co/yAbleWXTxD

  7. Die IT-Sicherheit holt die Automobilisten unaufhaltsam ein https://t.co/OOooTJQYAU

  8. /me sings: "…man on the moon…" ? https://t.co/04MX4oWUmn (maybe a little #nsfw)

  9. Und das Beste: W-Lan hab ich hier auch noch... #schuppen #ausbau #heimwerkgott https://t.co/wj5wGiTBAq

  10. There are Mashups ... and then there is THIS ❤ https://t.co/TNH2V66ypt

  11. Some reading tip for you: 7 Social Media Experiments That Grew Our Traffic by 241% https://t.co/77Xb5hppCu

  12. you should read this: Productive Failure: How to Keep Going When You Feel Like Your Work Sucks https://t.co/b1aLwqGE6g

  13. This track jus took me by surprise: "Quando Sarò Vecchio" by Jovanotti https://t.co/138HqNCMOT

  14. A video you should watch: PACE Quickhit - What is Personalised Automated Customer Engagement? https://t.co/l60Q7DpUgc

  15. RT @dr_veterinaer: "tüte dazu?" "ne geht so, danke." https://t.co/sk50SW3Y4J

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