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Everything posted by lpa

  1. It looks like this: <?php if(class_exists("TracyDebugger")) $this->wire("templateVars", TracyDebugger::templateVars(get_defined_vars(), \ProcessWire\wire("page"))); By the way, my Upgrades page tells me that I have version 0.5.0 installed and the latest is 0.4.9?
  2. After upgrading to the latest version I get this error: Class 'ProcessWire\TracyDebugger' not found on the default PW install basic-page -template. What could cause this error? file protected => "/Library/WebServer/Documents/pw3/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/templates/basic-page.php"
  3. Very nice module! For some reason I get an empty list for Database Queries. Is that part supposed to contain something? Or should I enable it somehow?
  4. Tried to install this on dev 3.0.2 and got error: Class 'Wiredata' not found (line 21 of /Library/WebServer/Documents/pw/site/modules/HelperFieldLinks/HelperFieldLinks.module). Edit: The problem seems to be: the line has "extends Wiredata" and should have "extends WireData". By the way, could this link be added to the title where on hover the name of the field is now shown, but is not a link to edit it. Or at least the style: .fieldEditLink, .templateEditLink { margin-top: 1em; } could be less that 1em, even without margin-top.
  5. I found a problem saving changes with fredi. I have the settings-tab hidden. The page has the hidden-flag on. After saving my changes to some text-fields with fredi, the hidden-flag is automatically set off. If I set the settings-tab visible, the hidden-flag doesn't change its status on save. Fredi is version 1.2.0 and PW 2.6.21.
  6. I have a field that mainly contains text that should preserve newlines. At the moment the fields textarea is defined without CKEditor or TinyMCE, but has "Newlines to XHTML Line Breaks" text formatter. The users would like to get the possibility to colorize and emphasize text with bold, italics and colors. If I change the field to use CKEditor, all the newlines are stripped away and the text with linebreaks changes to one paragraph with stripped away newlines. I know the newlines can be inserted with shift-enter, but can I preserve the current texts newlines and make it possible to paste text with newlines to preserve those newlines? How should I define this field and its WYSIWYG editor?
  7. Do you mean, that a superuser can not change any of his roles? How about the image-field tags not saving? How to debug that?
  8. Thanks for your reply! I have debug-mode on, but I can't find the reason for this problem there. I have checked that the image-field with tags has the tags column in the mysql-table. And it is only my own superuser account that is not saving the roles change.
  9. I have a weird problem. I am using the latest dev-version 2.6.5. I have a few fields that don't update when saving: trying to remove a role from my admin user or change the name of the user, but the changes are not saved even though the change of the admin theme is saved! The same problem with an image field. I have enabled tags in the image field, that nothing in the tags field saves. How should I debug this and what could be the reason?
  10. I have enabled tags for blog_images field to use the featured image feature, but the tags are not saving. What could be the reason for tags not saving? I am using the latest dev version 2.6.4.
  11. Now just an annoying thing when I have notices on I get this on every command. Maybe I should set notices off. PHP Notice: Undefined index: REQUEST_URI in /Library/WebServer/Documents/encanto/site/modules/HelperFieldLinks/HelperFieldLinks.module on line 37
  12. And now: PHP Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/wireshell/wireshell/src/Commands/Module/ModuleDownloadCommand.php on line 81 PHP Stack trace: PHP 1. {main}() /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/wireshell/wireshell/wireshell:0 PHP 2. require() /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/wireshell/wireshell/wireshell:5 PHP 3. Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass() /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/wireshell/wireshell/wireshell:0 PHP 4. Composer\Autoload\includeFile() /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php:301 Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/wireshell/wireshell/src/Commands/Module/ModuleDownloadCommand.php on line 81 Call Stack: 0.0002 229344 1. {main}() /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/wireshell/wireshell/wireshell:0 0.0005 246776 2. require('/Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/wireshell/wireshell/app/wireshell.php') /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/wireshell/wireshell/wireshell:5 0.0726 1895576 3. Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass() /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/wireshell/wireshell/wireshell:0 0.0727 1895736 4. Composer\Autoload\includeFile() /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php:301
  13. And now the next error: composer global require wireshell/wireshell:dev-develop 15:38:42 Changed current directory to /Users/lpa/.composer ./composer.json has been updated Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev) - Updating wireshell/wireshell (0.4.0 => dev-develop 33ef0ed) Checking out 33ef0eda3d1b182c5c14a51603e80dd6cfe0d377 Writing lock file Generating autoload files wireshell PHP Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/wireshell/wireshell/src/Commands/User/UserListCommand.php on line 62 PHP Stack trace: PHP 1. {main}() /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/wireshell/wireshell/wireshell:0 PHP 2. require() /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/wireshell/wireshell/wireshell:5 PHP 3. Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass() /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/wireshell/wireshell/wireshell:0 PHP 4. Composer\Autoload\includeFile() /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php:301 Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/wireshell/wireshell/src/Commands/User/UserListCommand.php on line 62 Call Stack: 0.0002 229376 1. {main}() /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/wireshell/wireshell/wireshell:0 0.0005 246808 2. require('/Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/wireshell/wireshell/app/wireshell.php') /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/wireshell/wireshell/wireshell:5 0.1050 1695728 3. Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass() /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/wireshell/wireshell/wireshell:0 0.1050 1695880 4. Composer\Autoload\includeFile() /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php:301
  14. After upgrade I get this error:Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in /Users/lpa/.composer/vendor/wireshell/wireshell/src/Helpers/PwUserTools.php on line 71 What might go wrong?
  15. Hi I have problems installing this module. I tried it with the latest dev branch 2.5.25 on my development installation and also trying the installation with a clean install of PW. When I submit the settings of the module and go to Blog dashboard I get the error: "Field does not exist: blog_date". No fields or templates of the blog are created and no template files are copied into templates-directory. What might be the problem?
  16. +for spaces in passwords! And no artificial requirements as uppercase and number etc. The restrictions in passwords should be freely definable in PW.
  17. Is the latest translation in https://github.com/apeisa/Finnish-ProcessWire? Has anyone made translations for 2.5? Is there any plan for keeping this up to date with the latest PW version changes?
  18. Doesn't anybody use eclipse for PW development? I don't find a way to get the content assist in Eclipse to complete the variables like $page or $user.
  19. Is it really so, that nobody finds this to be a problem in any case?
  20. I can see that the support for magic methods is now in PW source code. But my question is why do I only get $config to give the hints in Eclipse? The other variables like $page, $template, $user don't show the magic method given documentation. Can someone confirm that this works with PW and Eclipse? How to make it happen?
  21. Martijn, I know that. Even Mac, though being a unix, is not case sensitive by default. But that is not the issue. If the name is the same regardless of the case of letters, it should replace the file. I prefer the system not to touch my filenames by some algorithm, but give me the possibility to keep the uppercase letters. By the way, I like the new addition of file replacing the file with the same name that was just introduced in the latest dev-versions, because I think it was annoying that I first had to remove the file before replacing with a new version of the same file.
  22. I have always wondered why it is not possible to keep the name of the file uploaded to PW intact? I mean to keep at least the uppercase characters in the name and maybe some special chars too. I know [a-z,0-9,_] is clean, but today most of the systems, browsers etc can handle even spaces in the filenames. There are situations where I would like to keep the names like they are in some other systems (with uppercase chars) or the same as they have been in the web before converting to PW? So would it be possible to have an option for file-fieldtype to keep the names uncleaned when uploaded?
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