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Posts posted by psquaretrader

  1. I just installed PW ver 3.0.56 and installed the new "Regular Blog Site Profile".  The demo http://demo.processwire.com/regular/ has a mobile menu when the screen sized is reduced.  The mobile menu feature on the "Regular Blog Site Profile" i downloaded (today) and installed  is not working.  On smaller screen sizes, the menu is hidden, and the mobile menu doesnt show up.  Does anyone have any ideas why this may be the case?

  2. SamC thank you for the reply.  It didn't seem to make a difference.  Here is the link to the page https://giftsguysreallywant.com/products/.  The images should display on the tiles right below the title.

    this is the entire code for the template file:

    <?php namespace ProcessWire; 
    // This is the template file for main /blog/ page that lists blog post summaries.
    // If there are more than 10 posts, it also paginates them. 
    <div id='content'>
    <div class='uk-child-width-1-2@s uk-child-width-1-2@m uk-grid-match uk-margin-large-bottom' pw-append='content' uk-grid>
    	<?php foreach(page()->children as $posts): ?>
    	<a class='uk-link-reset' href='<?=$posts->url?>'>
    		<div class='uk-card uk-card-default uk-card-hover uk-card-body'>
    			<h3 class='uk-card-title uk-margin-remove'><?=$posts->title?></h3>
    			<?php $img = $posts->images;
    			 echo "<img src='{$img->url}'>";	?>
    	<?php endforeach; ?>
    <aside id='sidebar'>
    	$categories = pages()->get('/categories/'); 
    	echo ukNav($categories->children, [ 'header' => $categories->title ]); 


  3. Can you assist me with why the following code does not display the image; all that show up is a small x inside a small box.  

    When I inspect the element in chrome, it gives me the url path, but not the url with the filename (/site/assets/files/1015/).

    For the field 'images', I have maximum files allowed set to '1'.

    This is my code snippet for the image:

    <?php foreach(page()->children as $posts): ?>
    	<?php $img = $posts->images;
    			 echo "<img src='$img->url'>";	?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>


  4. Hello,

    I have a parent page template that i'm attempting to make the parent page content be a list of the title/links of all of the parent's children and have it sort the output in alphabetical order.

    this is the template:

    // basic-page.php template file 
    // See README.txt for more information
    // Primary content is the page's body copy
     $content = renderNavTree($page->children ("sort=Title")); 
    The Problem is that the rendering of the page does not list the children in alphabetical order.
    Can you help me understand.
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