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  1. In my case, both fields are of the same type, both are dates. Are you sure that there is no possibility to sort by field1 if it exists and sort by field2 if field1 doesn't exist? So I'd like to first sort by field1 and only sort by field2 if fields1 doesn't exist.
  2. Hello, I'd like to sort pages by two selectors. I have a custom field "startdesprojekts" it is of the type date. I want to sort the pages by "startdesprojekts". Since it's possible that there is no date defined I'd like to sort by creation time, if "startdesprojekts" is undefined. My code looks like this, but it doesn't do what I want. $items = $page->children("include=hidden, sort=-modified")->append($pages->find("inNewsAnzeigen=1"))->filter("sort=-startdesprojekts, sort=-created");
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