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  1. There description for all products. But not all are printed on the screen echo $twig->render('promocoes/index.twig.html', array( 'promocoes' => $promocoes, )); {% if promocoes %} {% for key, promocao in promocoes %} <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="promocoes"> <img src="view/promocoes/img/promocao.png" alt=""/> <span> Nº {{promocao.getnumero}} </span> <p class="dias"> {{ promocao.getdomingo == 1? '| Domingo ' : '' }} {{ promocao.getsegunda == 1 ? '| Segunda ' : '' }} {{ promocao.getterca == 1? '| Terça ' : '' }} {{ promocao.getquarta == 1? '| Quarta ' : '' }} {{ promocao.getquinta == 1? '| Quinta' : '' }} {{ promocao.getsexta == 1? '| Sexta ' : '' }} {{ promocao.getsabado == 1? '| Sábado ' : '' }} | </p> <p class="descricao">{{promocao.getdescricao|e}}</p> {% if promocao.getnumero == 4 %} {% else %} <a href="?numero={{promocao.getnumero}}">Comprar</a> {% endif %} </div> </div> {% endfor %} {% endif %}
  2. Hello guys! I Brasileia not know if I can express myself cool, but it's seuinte . I'm doing a project with php / twig and then I climbed p ftp some thing not working, kind . I'm going through my p twig.html an array of objects with the description of my registered any product in the db . Hence produto.getdescicao mosrar use for this data. It turns out that for some products the description is displayed and no golds and do not have the same poblema priate squeegee the local system
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