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Everything posted by wmushtaq

  1. Hi I am going to try processwire to create an online store having categories / products similar to this http://goo.gl/LrCmx If you click on, for example, Cold Drinks category on left it shows all products of all sub categories of Cold Drinks on right side untill you navigate in depth. Outside PW I will do this by storing products/category relationship in a separate table. What is PW way of doing this? Do I need to duplicate product page in every category/sub category I want? Or is there a better way for this? Thanks in advance
  2. PW is extremely useful for developers. Loving it and learning alot from it. I have a question. Lets say I have a site with a page 'Videos' that has 'Channels' as child pages and each channel has videos in them. I know the 'Videos' page id. So how can I get all videos through it? In other words how can I get all grand children of 'Videos' page? I appologize if I missed something already mentioned in docs.
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