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  1. Thanks, this solve my issue. I forgot this main setting.
  2. I try the Pwbs4 Site template and I found that the Image upload the the Home page is not possible because the upload size limit is to small. How can I use setMaxFileSize methode on the page template file to correct this? Thanks for your support in advance ..
  3. The idea behind is to simplify change between different versions. Assume the following structure. ../processwire/ProcessWire-devns /version /devns_3.0.7 /devns_3.0.8 (assume that the apache rigths are set!) /wire /.. and the rest of pw /htdocs (here is the pw installation directory) I create now a new symlink in htdocs to the used source dir like => ln -s /processwire/ProcessWire-devns/version/devns_3.0.8/ pw_src and then the => ln -s pw_src/wire wire ( also for the rest al index.php ) The actual processwire installation should now updated to devns 3.0.8. I can now easchange now easily change the pw version by reset the pw_src link to a new version. This is my plan, but unfortunately does this not work in my configuration. In the vhost conf, the required things are set from my point of view: AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all Require all granted DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm Options +MultiViews Options -Indexes Options +FollowSymLinks +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch Has anybody an eye-opener tip?
  4. Dear ProcessWire Support, I am new at ProcessWire and I am trying the new 3.x development versions. As the new version 3.0.8 devns was new released, I test if was possible to move to the new version by linking the wire folder and the index.php and .htaccess as symlink from a version repository with the different pw versions. But this does not work, it seems that pw is not able to use the symlinks. The apache directory configuration contains the required setting: Options -FollowSymLinks +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch Is it principally be possible to use symlinks and when what must be configured? Best regards Ralf Krämer
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